I received some tonik paper in the post today so gave my promarkers a go but oh dear my results are awful!
Dont know what I'm doing wrong if anything because I can acheive good results on other card with the same pen but as soon as I start using them on the Tonic the pens just seem to dry up The result is a very stratchy streaky looking uneven colour. The ivoryand other light colours actually seemed to be seperating in some way (or possibly its the coating lifting off as I put ithe pen on the surfaceand move itabout). I tried a few different colours but got the same result each time I have tried the pens on other card in case they had somehow dried out but they are fine on the concord card. Haven't tried it in the printer yet but hopefully it wil be ok so will keep the paper for inket printing but will continue to use the concord card for colouring with promarkers.
Has anyone else tried it yet?