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UKScrappers FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Terms and Conditions

By going through the signup process on the board you agreed to abide by our rules below. Failure to abide by the rules and the enforcement of the rules by UKScrappers Moderator's will lead to suspension of and possible immediate termination of your account.

Considering the real-time nature of the UKScrappers, it is impossible for UKScrappers to review messages or confirm the validity of information posted. Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of UKScrappers.

Please check the UKS Privacy Policy HERE for information on Cookies and GDPR

UKS Policy for removal of your personal data

To have your personal information removed from your account, PM maryanne or email me at

Your details will be removed within one week.

From the original T&Cs:

When you submit any contribution to or (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting (posting) your contribution, to grant the UKScrappers and it's associated companies a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other works in any media now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in your contribution. If you do not want to grant UKScrappers the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution to or

If you choose to leave UKScrappers and close your account, your personal information will be stripped from the user name registration but your posts and other submitted content will remain and will not be removed. The posts will be set to posted by Anonymous or, in the case of users with a large post count, will have a generic user name assigned. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email at We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realise that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately.

Posting Guidelines for

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Discussion Board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, racist, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violates any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this Bulletin Board.

Although this Discussion Board does not and cannot review the messages posted and is not responsible for the content of any of these messages, we at UKScrappers reserve the right to DELETE ANY MESSAGE FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless UKScrappers and Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of the forum software) and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission and storage of your message(s).

We at UKScrappers also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you or action taken by you regarding your use of UKS.

Please note that chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate and not allowed on this Bulletin Board.

Privacy Statement for uses cookies from time to time to permit us to customize our pages for your enjoyment. At no time will harvest information from your computer. We do not use the information you provide us for any purpose other than for running this site. We do however reserve the right to reveal your identity or information we have in the event of an investigation over your conduct or comments within our forums.

UKscrappers provides link to various scrapbooking businesses (henceforth known as Sponsors) for the benefit of members. Any transaction with a Sponsor is between the UKScrappers member and the Sponsor. UKScrappers. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless UKScrappers and Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of the forum software) and their agents with respect to any claim resulting from a Sponsor transaction. If requested, UKScrappers will provide any details we have available for any Sponsor at your request.

Contributions to UKScrappers

When you submit any contribution to or (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting (posting) your contribution, to grant the UKScrappers and it's associated companies a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other works in any media now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in your contribution. If you do not want to grant UKScrappers the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution to or If you choose to leave UKScrappers or close your account, your personal information will be stripped from the user name registration but your posts and other submitted content will remain and will not be removed.

The Rules of this Forum

UKScrappers in an online community of over 30,000 scrapbook artists and enthusiasts. We aim to keep this a friendly, tolerant, and helpful community.

While we do use sponsorship by businesses as a way to keep use of the forum free for the members, advertising is not the primary goal, and is allowed only within structured guidelines. Please keep that in mind. You can read about sponsorship in the And Now A Word from our Sponsors froum.

Rules of the forum:

Once, UKS was small -- under 50 members. We paid for the hosting and bandwidth out of our (well, Bev’s) pocket. Now it is big. Too big to just let things happen and deal with them after the fact, or to be inconstant with our decisions. We would ask simply that you be sensible when posting and think before you hit SUBMIT. That will reduce the need for us to step in by about 90%. But these guidelines outline the rules of the forums, based on past decisions on issues raised by the members. PLEASE take a moment to read them!

You can find Cheat Sheets for various parts of the site here. They are a great help for new members.
First and foremost, PLAY NICE! Carefully consider your posts, especially when they are in a thread where there are major differences of opinion, on any topic. Behind each post is a living, breathing, person who is every bit as convinced they are right as you are. PLEASE post no personal attacks -- address the issues not the poster.

We have in place a number of methods to keep things pleasant, including the removal of posts, locking threads, banning language or users, and removal of a member in extreme circumstances. We don’t like to use them but we will, especially in the case of racist, offensive, or sexually abusive posts. If you see something that you feel the Mods should be aware of, click the yellow warning triangle to report the post to us. We will look at it and determine if any action is required. We may not always act on a complaint, if we feel it is not justified but you will be notified one way or another of the outcome.

POST NO ADS! We have a Sponsorship policy in place. The sponsors pay for the privilege of advertising their scrapbook business to the members of UKS. This money keeps UKS FREE for all users. If you are not a sponsor, do not post a link to your shop or site (or that of a friend or relative or LSS) in an effort to get free advertising for yourself, or them. No other forums may be promoted on UKS by owners (including sponsors) or DT members.

Bottom line is posting links to a site you derive profit from is not allowed unless you are a sponsor, and this includes posting links in threads or posts, in your signature block, adding the link to your profile or visitor message page, or adding a link to the WWW section of your profile.

Posting links -- be sensible! If someone asks about a shop in a location and you know of one, you can post the name of the shop but no other identifying info (no address, no phone number, no directions, no link) If someone wants more info they can PM you to ask for it. You MAY NOT post asking people to PM you. People can PM and you can reply, but without the public "I've PMed you/Can you PM me?/I've replied" posts. There are threads for US Shopping Deals, and QVC discussion, and other BIG store deals.

We are NOT trying to keep information from scrappers. We DO have an obligation to the sponsors who pay to keep unauthorised ads off UKS.

Signatures -- this is the single biggest area of misunderstanding on UKS.
Members ARE ALLOWED to mention the name of a shop in a post but not post a link, an address or URL, specific directions, or a phone number, nor may they post “PM me for more info” or “I’ve PMed you“ in a thread.  Simply put, you may not add anything to your signature that in any way self-promotes you, or a business, for profit unless you are a sponsor of UKScrappers. Some common infractions include (but are not limited to):

- adding a link to a retail space. That can be a direct link to your blog, which sells or directly links to a retail site, it can be a link to your "home party demonstrator" site or blog, it can be to a site for a design team you are on that is not a sponsor, it can be a link to a gallery of items you sell, with instructions to e-mail you, or links to any auction site or charity site that does not adhere to the guidelines for Charity posts above. This applies not only to scrapbooking sites and shops, but any other business you may be affiliated with (plumbing, house painting, candle making, etc..)

- announcing your affiliation with a "home party demonstrator" group, either by a link or with text

- adding a link to another forum

- asking people to PM you "for info on ..." if there is any retail aspect to it.

- Limited Sponsors including links to their shops OUTSIDE the appropriate forum (ie Cards, Craft Robo, and Digital)

If in doubt, and to avoid an infraction, PM any of the mods or maryanne for clarification before you add to your signature block

THANK YOU's to sponsors are not allowed. Neither are public complaints about Sponsor or NON-SPONSOR shops or sites. Disputes must be dealt with directly with the shop or site in question and praise should be directed to the shop, who can add them to their site with your permission as a way to demonstrate their Customer Service.

Teams on UKS -- Read all about teams, the team challenges, and guidelines for teams here. It is important to remember that team threads are NOT private -- anyone can read them. So please don’t say anything in a team thread you would not be happy to say in any of the main forums.

Posting for Charity events -- UKS is happy for a link to REGISTERED Charity events to be added to your signature line. If the charity is not a registered one, we cannot allow it. This is for short term things only, not links to ongoing charity collections. So if there is an event with a set beginning and end (like a sponsored walk) that is fine, but not a link to a donation page that has no end date. The donations page should be an official one, and not a personal page. We do not allow any UKS member to post or PM about a charity where they themselves are the donation collection point. If in doubt, PM MaryAnne

Blinkies -- Direct linking to a blinkie on another site is not allowed. UKS hosts our own countdowns. You can add them from your User Control Panel (User CP)

Design Team logos -- Users on sponsor Design Teams (up to 8) may add a linked (Banner ad ONLY) or non-linked (Tier one only) logo, no larger than the 150x75 logo links. Tier two sponsors may not have DT logos, text or links. Non-sponsor DT logos are allowed, but may NOT be linked and may NOT exceed the dimensions of the usual sponsor logo which is 150 pixels wide by 75 pixels tall.

WWW link in your profile -- This is for non-retail, personal sites ONLY. You may NOT add a WWW link to a site that sells anything, scrapbooking or otherwise. No links to eBay or other auction site shops unless it is a sponsor shop.

The Gallery -- The Gallery is an AD FREE zone. NO advertisement of any kind is allowed. Do not link to a kit, post a link to something you are selling, post a link to a retail site, and keep ads out of the title of the Gallery entry. Don’t say "Layout from the XXX Nov. Kit" but you can state the kit name in the description (but no links as we have said) Please limit uploads to the Gallery to 3 a day -- but we are sensible about this! If you did a mini book that needs 4 scans to show it in its entirety no one will wag their finger at you for the one extra page. But 50 pages from an album in one go is not allowed!

The Swap/PIF/RAK/Wish forum -- Rules for how that is run are posted in the forum here

Please note that participation in some of these things are tied to a good Marketplace rating and a minimum time active on the boards.

Things you will find useful as a New Member:

The UKScrappers Glossary

While this is by no means a complete list of all the acronyms that are used on UKS they are a good starting point. See one you don’t recognise? ASK! That’s where the 'helpful' bit comes in.

LO = Layout
SLO = Single Layout
DLO = Double Layout
ATC = Artists Trading Card
CJ = Circle Journal
PIF = Pass/Pay it Forward
RAK = Random Act of Kindness
PM = Private Message

DH = Darling husband
DD = Darling daughter
DS = Darling son
DP = Darling partner
DGD = Darling granddaughter/goddaughter
DN = Darling niece

IYKWIM = If you know what I mean
TIA = Thanks in advance
TY = Thank you
HTH - Hope This Helps
ROFL - Rolls on the floor laughing
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike

MM = Making Memories (brand name)
CK - Creating Keepsakes (a US magazine)
SI - Scrapbook Inspirations (UK magazine)
TSM - The Scrapbook Magazine (UK Magazine)
BIA - Bind it All Binding Machine
CR - Craft Robo

Your Control Panel (UserCP)

This should be your first stop! Here you can set your preferences for using the board. If tempted to turn Browse With Cookies off, or make Remember User Name and Password NO .... DON’T!! I can assure you it will make using the board awkward and difficult (like requiring you to log in again every time you open a new thread). You may pick your avatar (the little picture under your name at the left of your post) here and there is a post at the top of the Library on Avatars that may help.

Threads and Posts

This is NOT an e-mail group. To post a topic, ask a question, comment on a post, or even to just read the posts you need to be logged in to UKScrappers.

Post a new topic by clicking the Post New Thread button near the top of the screen.

Reply to a topic by adding your comments to the grey box at the bottom of the last post within a thread. You will have more options (like uploading an image within the thread) if you click the POST REPLY button at the top and also at the bottom of the posts.

The Forums

The forums are all named and the description in the index will give you a good idea of where to place your post.

Use Testing and Help to post problems with the board.

The Marketplace, which is for selling off old or unneeded scrapbooking items, is the only forum where posts require approval. When you type a post and submit it, it will be held in the administration area until it is read and approved. No retail selling is allowed here, not resale of things like cars or household goods. Printers, cameras, computers, etc. which are (loosely) considered to be scrapbooking supplies are OK to sell.

There is a Marketplace rating system in place. You may check a person's rating by clicking on it under their avatar, and we encourage you to do so before entering into any sales agreement with someone you do not know personally. We encourage you to rate your buyer or your seller once the transaction has been completed, but please do not bring private disputes over sales onto the boards. To resolve an issue with a buyer or seller, contact them directly.

Sales arranged in the Marketplace are between the buyer and the seller, and not the responsibility of UKScrappers.

The Library

The Library is where we store bits of important information, including How To's, links, Scrap Musing articles, past Font of the Week posts and more. You can now find it from the Home Page rather than as a forum. This new organisation, we hope, makes the library more useable than ever before.

Links do get broken, sites disappear or reorganise, and we won’t know unless you tell us! Report any broken links by clicking the Report This Post button and telling us what is broken.

The Gallery

The Gallery is where you can post your completed page layouts, your cards, your tags, challenges, Circle Journals, Altered Books, etc.

As a new member you will need to log in to the gallery once.

You must have Cookies turned on so UKScrappers will recognise you when you return!

The top line of 5 layouts that appears over the Menu page is a preview of the most recent LAYOUTS posted on the HOME page (where hovering over the image will show it to you slightly larger) while the thumbnails over the Forum pages are a sampling of layouts picked at random from the Gallery.

You may click on a layout thumbnail to see the full entry.

You may also click either the Gallery button at the top of the page (which will take you to the page of all most recent uploads, or The Gallery forum in the main index which will display the layouts with most recent comments.

You may also see the gallery of any member (providing they have one!) by clicking on the little camera near their name on every post they make.

We currently have a limit on uploads or 3 per day but this is flexible -- if you have a 4 page mini book it's best to upload all 4 pages rather than 3 one day and one the next. A 10 page project, try to scan 2 pages to an image. A 20 page project, please DON'T upload all on the same day. Be aware that only layouts that have been assigned to the Main>Layouts category will display on the top line. As Scrapbooking is the primary focus of this site, we have chosen that option. But because we all love cards, tags, Altered Books, Circle Journals, and more, there are galleries for all of those things which you can view by selecting that category in the menu -- Just click MAIN and then the section you want to see. Be sure to select the correct category when uploading to ensure your layout gets displayed!

Every upload gets added to your Member Gallery automatically. But if you select NO category it will ONLY go there!

Sounds complex, I know, but if you play around with it you will quickly find your way.

New members may have 3 mb of Gallery storage while established members have 5 mb.

Images uploaded to the UKS gallery are the property of the poster. You MAY NOT capture the images and manipulate them for any purpose without permission. Evidence of this will result in immediate removed of you as a member of UKS. Please use the Favourites option for layouts you want to save for inspiration rather than downloading them.

Cyber Crops

Cyber Crop is a phrase you will see often on UKScrappers. Much like a normal Crop, Cyber crops have classes, socialising, games, prizes, contests, and fun. The difference is they take place in cyberspace!

The basic concept is that, once you have registered with the Crop Organiser in response to an announcement on the board, you log in to UKS on the day and check the CyberCrop forum for a list of activities.

There will be games that run the whole time (like BINGO! or a Treasure hunt) with prizes at the end, scheduled classes where you can learn a new technique or make a class page, chat session in the Chat Room, and more. Some of the games will require prior information from you (like sending the organiser your list of BINGO words) but many need nothing other than being online for the start of the game.

The class pages and instructions can be downloaded as PDFs or viewed in a window on your screen, so you can work on them at your leisure or make the page during the class time online.

When you finish it, you can post to the special CyberCrop Galleries where all the class pages are grouped together. Past CyberCrop classes are stored as PDFs in the Inspiration and Challenges section.

In the chat sessions there are often spot challenges (Make a Tag using the Union Jack, make a SPRING page, make a title with the word LOVE in it) and these sometimes have small prizes associated with them.

UKScrappers usually runs two major CyberCrops , one in October, and one near February. Watch for an announcement. They are a fun events, and a great way to jump-start your scrapbooking if you are stalled, learn a new technique, and meet your fellow UKScrappers.

Every community needs rules -- we have tried to keep the hard and fast rules on UKS to a minimum. If you remember that behind every name and every avatar is a real live person with feelings and beliefs and worries and opinions of their own, and try to respect them, then that is the most important thing.

That, and no advertising without sponsorship!

If you are interested in sponsorship read the current Guidelines here.

Privacy Statement

UK Scrappers is committed to protecting your personal information. We do not sell, distribute or give out any of our customer's information. We understand how valuable your personal information and privacy is. Only limited personnel have access to our database. This way, you can be rest assured that any personal information that you give us, stays with us.

What kind of information does UK Scrappers collect from visitors?

UK Scrappers collects only the information you voluntary give us at registration, namely your email address and any information you enter into your profile. We use your email address to notify you of any site action that may affect your account here on UK Scrappers. We do not use your email address for any other purpose and we do not pass your email address to 3rd parties.

Use of cookies by UK Scrappers

A cookie is a small data text file, which a Web site stores on your computer's hard drive (if your Web browser permits). They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

Cookies are used by websites to save user preferences between visits.

Types of Cookies

Category 1 - Strictly Necessary Cookies

  • These cookies are essential to using the website. Without these cookies services you have asked for cannot be provided and the website will not function.

Category 2 - Performance Cookies

  • These cookies are used for Web analytics, Ad response rates and Affiliate tracking. These cookies collect information about how visitors use a website, for instance which pages visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages from web pages. These cookies don\'t collect information that identifies a visitor. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. It is only used to improve how a website works.

Category 3 - Functionality Cookies

  • These cookies are used for things such as remembering settings a user has applied to a website such as layout, font size, preferences, colours etc. The information these cookies collect may be anonymised and they cannot track your browsing activity on other websites.

Category 4 - Targeting or Advertising Cookies

  • Cookies placed by advertising networks to collect browsing habits in order to target relevant adverts to the user.

UK Scrappers Cookies

Cookie Name Cat Party Type Lifetime Description
PHPSESSID 1 1st Session --- Used for Website Operation
bbsessionhash 1 1st Session --- Used for Forum Operation
__utma 2 1st Persistent 730 Days Google Analytics
__utmb 2 1st Persistent 30 Minutes Google Analytics
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__utmz 2 1st Persistent 182 Days Google Analytics
bbthread_lastview 3 1st Session --- Used for Forum Operation
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bblastactivity 3 1st Persistent 365 Days Used for Forum Operation
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cookieDirective 3 1st Persistent 365 Days Directive Notification
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skimGUID 2 3rd Persistent 10 Years Affiliate Tracking
pid 3 3rd Persistent 730 Days Tweet Links
test_cookie 4 3rd Persistent 15 Minutes Advertising
id 4 3rd Persistent 730 Days Advertising
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MUID 4 3rd Persistent 730 Days Advertising
camp_freq_p1 4 3rd Persistent 365 Days Advertising
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subID 4 3rd Persistent 365 Days Advertising
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Third Party Cookies

UK Scrappers provides advertising for 3rd parties and these 3rd parties may store a cookie on your browsing device.
  • Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to UK Scrappers.
  • Google's use of the DART cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to you based on your visit to this site and other sites on the Internet.
  • Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the advertising opt-out page. (Alternatively users can opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page).
  • Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit

For instructions on how to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, not just UKS, visit the Google opt-out page

How to delete cookies see this webpage

Personal Messages (Private Messages) (PM)?

Personal messages sent via UK Scrappers are stored in our server database. A limited number of personnel have access to this database and it is possible that your messages could be read by those personnel. (This is exactly the same as your ISP staff having access to your emails). UK Scrappers administrators do not routinely read personal messages, but it may become necessary to scan the database when abuse has been reported or suspected. The database will from time to time be scanned for key words and phrases that break our terms of service.

With the above in mind, UK Scrappers admin staff recommend that you do not use our PM system to transmit personal messages that you do not want anyone else to have access to.

Does UK Scrappers Log IP Addresses?

UK Scrappers, Logs the IP address and userid (where applicable) of all our visitors, this is used to help prevent abuse of our system. We also uses website analysis software to track our website visitors. The information we obtain from the website analysis software is strictly for internal use to aid us in providing better services to our visitors.

Does UK Scrappers share your information with 3rd parties?

Any personal information that UK Scrappers may collect is never shared with any other party with the exception of abuse or fraudulent investigations where your email and IP address may be released to the appropriate authorities.

Policy changes

UK Scrappers reserve the right to make changes to our policy at any time without any notification. Please check this page at regular intervals for changes. Changes to policy becomes immediately effective upon being posted in this site.

Privacy statement contact Questions regarding this Policy should be directed to privacy (at)

Search FAQ

Select this option if you would like your search to look in the text of FAQ items as well as their titles.

Select an option here to specify how you would like your search query to be treated. 'Any words' will return the most numerous but possibly least relevant results, while 'Complete phrase' will return only results that contain exactly what you are searching for.

Click HERE for additional Sponsors

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