Quote Originally Posted by Neries View Post
Shirley do you think the embossing will be any better than the Curio and still have mine? Along with a Scan n Cut I bought as it came with an embossing kit, but found it was no better and I much prefer my Silhouette machines.
Don’t know Neries as I haven’t seen an example yet. I guess it will never be as crisp as an embossing folder but it won’t need the spongy mat like the Curio so it will be interesting to see how effective it is. The other good thing is that you can use sketch pens in tool 2 again just like the Cameo 3, that’s something I really missed with the 4 not being able to sketch and cut in one operation. The foil tool looks really good too, you just pop it in tool 2 and it heats up, no extra cords but I’m guessing it won’t be cheap. The machine looks really different so I won’t rush straight in when it becomes available over here - will wait to see what my Beta Group make of it as most of them are in America so will get the machine first. I’ve never been tempted by the Scan n Cut so can’t really compare but I do have Canvas Workspace on my PC just to open my svg designs to make sure if they look right before I sell them as quite a few Scan n Cut users buy them and I think it’s really poor compared with the Silhouette software.