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  1. #1
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    So let's share the OPPOSITE - Least/Never used supplies

    Yeah, I have a few. Reading the other thread, I also have a ton of Martha Stewart Punches, around the page and the ones you could tile to punch a whole sheet. Have barely used them, although I have used the edge ones a bit.

    I never really liked or used decorative scissors - except the postage stamp and the scallop ones.

    Recently dragged out a bunch of Making Memories paints. Not lasted very well - those crap metal tops let the air in - threw them all away - but the hinged black lids at least kept some of them still liquid.

    Pigment ink - rarely used that

    Bloody eyelets. I SO prefer the ease of brads so I have amassed quite a stash of them as they ALWAYS came in the couple of scrap-kits I subscribed to.

    So many more but I have to leave some for others to claim!

  2. #2
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    I gave all my decorative edge scissors away, they were on a revolving stand and I just kept a few that I'd bought separately as a just in case. Deckle edge are a favourite of mine.

    The MS punches I am going to try to use, as I said some I go back to time and again and I did have a spell when I used the ones that punch anywhere on the page. I used to make decorative card fronts with them but not sure if I ever used them on a LO.

    I've used eyelets a few times on LO's but get one wrong and it can mess up the whole thing so brads are definitely safer.

    I have a WRMK's punch board for larger numbers and letters but now I have the space I can use my Silhouette which I have done recently for kiddies' birthday card numbers. That reminds me I have to make a 2nd birthday card for my great-niece, I will never be forgiven if I buy one.

    Lots and lots of wonderful markers for when I get the time to sit and stamp and colour in.

    I've bought texture paste and haven't used that yet.

    There will be lots of things I haven't really used either because time has moved on and things change or because I simply don't have the time to craft and as I sit in my wonderful craft room all fresh and bright I could cry because I need to be painting the ceiling in our bedroom, clearing the last of the house next door, clearing our loft before the ceilings give way, planting up the garden, clearing the landing of all the stuff that came out of our bedroom, which is also in the back bedroom. Oh I could go on and on and housework, well forget that, only the very basics get done and we can't move for all the kitchen stuff etc... that is arriving for my sister's move here. Project planning her house, how did that happen again and all the legal work I still have to do and that's apart from keeping on top of our own bills and day to day stuff. That's only a fraction of what is on my list.

    So forgive me for not scrapping and doing LO's oh yes and the beautiful bridal one I was doing, well that won't be getting done, you can probably guess why.

    Also, do we perhaps go through spells where one type of crafting, say heat embossing, takes over from another and that is why other items are put on the back burner for a while?

    Right must have a go at the planting and hubby is going to try to paint the ceiling but he's been gardening so may need a lie down to ease his poor bulging discs first. Getting old is rubbish! Oops that was a bit of a rant sorry.

  3. #3
    So many photos, so little time g61's Avatar
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    Ha ha, decorative scissors! I have a set with one set of handles and you can swop the different blades. Like I do that very often - not!
    Yes to eyelets too. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Mine are Karen Foster Clikit, in a beautiful wooden box as well, with an applicator and a tiny mat. I should put them on my 'must use' list and get them used up.
    Rubons, which don't rub on anywhere, when I've kept them too long. Some were lovely designs, kept for 'special'. That'll teach me.
    A set of metal letters I bought with a project in mind, which has never been started.
    Lots of school themed papers (too many, I just kept buying them), for the school photo albums I planned for my DCs - also never started, but as one of them is now expecting a baby of their own, I feel it's this year or never.
    Embossing folders. I only have a couple, but I never got them to work properly. I should probably just get on and have a go until I do, but they are not calling to me.

    I'm sure that's not all!

    I'm a member of Scrap Happens, in the Blue Brads House

  4. #4
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    You see I'm not out in that garden yet. What's the problem with embossing folders Margo, I love them. Sometimes, I can look at a card and think what's missing and all it needs is an embossed background to lift it without adding too much. Is it the wrong card, too thick, too thin, have you tried spraying it with water or one of those Mbossing sprays. I have one by Lisa Horton that is all birthday words and can I emboss it to perfection, no! I've tried everything and in between the letters cracks and even if it is only slight it bugs me. Sometimes, I think it is just the folder because I bought three of hers together and the others emboss perfectly every time. So it's probably not be you it could just be the card or even the folder. I have a Christmas tree one that crinkles the card round the edges of the tree and will only work on certain card.

    I must check my rub-ons and see if they still work. I've saved them for that special occasion.

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    Oh my, this is a great one. Right - stuff I hardly ever use - well now, how long you got? I will try to make a bit of a brief list, otherwise you could well nod off half way through

  6. #6
    Super Moderator scrapdolly's Avatar
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    Oh my goodness where to start.

    I gave all of my decorative edge scissors to school

    I still love eyelets though never use them . I miss the theraputic hammering. I did a class at one scrap manic called death by eyelets. It was awesome. It was a mini book with over 100 eyelets. It was a noisy class ������������

    I have loads of stickers I know I will never use.

    Round the page punches hardly ever used.

    Inkadinkadoo circular stamping kit with different designs, sizes of circle etc never used.

    Thousands of ribbon never used … I threw my millions of fibres away

    Loads of making memories metal quotes not used

    I could go on but it making me sad that I have so much unloved stash

  7. #7
    So many photos, so little time g61's Avatar
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    Karen, maybe we need a challenge to use that unloved stash?! After all, it was loved enough to buy it, and we're supposed to be a creative lot, so how come we can't find a use for it? Of course we can!

    I'm a member of Scrap Happens, in the Blue Brads House

  8. #8
    Super Moderator MiniOwner's Avatar
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    I too have a sadly neglected set of edging scissors - not sure I have ever used them!

    Ribbon anyone? And eyelets. Baker's twine. Enough part used alphas to fill an Ikea cube ... or two.

    Why have I kept the first few albums I bought which were post bound? I have long since emptied them into D-ringed ones.

    Yes rub ons that no longer rub on, double sided tape that no longer sticks (who knew that had a shelf life?)

    My Cricut(s) made my Big Shot redundant (I did get rid of it) but I still have hundreds of dies!

    Don't get me started on buttons ...

    Enough already!

  9. #9
    Crafty Lady Crafty Lady's Avatar
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    I've got loads of fancy cut scissors, but I also have a rotatrim cutter which has fancy cutting wheels, and I can cut a straight line with that, lol

  10. #10
    Dedicated Scrapper sharon1973's Avatar
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    I have those decorative edge scissors too, but I can't part with them!!

    I too have the eyelets that came in the case with the crop a file - and 99% of them are still in there!

    Ribbon has been drastically reduced and donated.

    I have way too much Washi tape, which doesn't always come away from the roll anymore, so I've not bought any for a while.

    rubs ons are long gone as I got fed up with them not working!

    Its fun to see how trends come and go and what we all bought thinking that it was great only to be disappointed and not get used!
    Addicted to stash!!

    Green Buttons House...

  11. #11
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    I couldn't have done the hammering with eyelets Karen, I'm like Sharon I have the Crop a dile with an awful lot of unused eyelets but that's not to say I won't use it because I did love them on kiddies LO's.

    Really Sue, double sided tape has a shelf life! I'd better get using it then.

    Don't start me on ribbon I have so much of it and can never get my favourite which is picot edged ribbon.

    I think I have a rotatrim Sheila, I've just found something in the drawer.

    I used to be Stickles mad so have quite a few of them but haven't used them in ages.

    Bear in mind, this is after my clear out of about 8 big boxes of stuff which went to the local school. The problem now is since the craft room makeover, I can see all this stuff glaring at me accusingly, shouting "Use me, use me."

  12. #12
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    Well you won’t be surprised to know I got rid of my decorative scissors, rub ons,eyelets, metal embellishments etc. I am not really much of a hoarder..(my husband would disagree). I do however have 1000’s of wood veneers (can’t remember when one actually made it onto a layout)
    Embossing folders are only used for cards, rarely if ever on a LO.
    MS punches.. I have an entire filing cabinet of them and until I started thinking about it, I would have said they were important to keep but now you have made me realise I haven’t used one for ages!! I use shape punches for cards and I use dies on cards too but again not often on LOs.
    I have at least 2000 pieces of A4 card stock in every colour imaginable and about 500 sheets of coloured 12” card.. I kid you not! I hardly ever do a LO with a coloured background.
    I have recently donated at least 15 boxes of stash to my GDs school but I still seem to have an entire room full of ‘stuff’. If I live to be 150 I don’t think I’ll run out! Sigh!!!!

  13. #13
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    Not a hoarder, Elaine, you do know we've seen your craft room, it's more like a craft shop. Mind you, it's rich coming from someone who could open their own paper shop. I should stand up and say "My name's Susie and I'm a paperholic." Patterned paper, plain paper and card stock for printing on to I love it all. Rice paper is my latest thing just haven't used it yet.

    I think I keep mixing up my threads. I'm posting about things I do use here instead of the other thread.

    I remember the day hubby walked into this room and finally noticed I had a wall with two shelves full of MS punches and just asked me where they all came from.

    Here's something for this thread, my paper crimper, that hasn't been used in ages and does anyone remember the Fiskers Shapeboss? I still have that, it was a Christmas present from my sister early on in my paper crafting days.

  14. #14
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    Oh Lord! I see what you mean but I really meant I don’t hoard ‘old’ supplies.. like a Shapeboss… now who would keep one of those except a hoarder . Good job we know each other so well. Lol
    Can’t sleep tonight.. grrr!

  15. #15
    Super Moderator scrapdolly's Avatar
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    Laughing at not a hoarder … me neither, except craft stuff.

    Bearing in mind a Weston box holds approximately 60 sheets of 12x12 I had a count and have 12 full of coloured card pretty much all bazill and in the last year I have maybe done a dozen pages that were not white. I have sold, this year, 7 packs so far of 100 sheets of patterned paper and have another 9 bagged up ready and still have another 58 Weston boxes full of patterned papers on my shelves. Paper is my biggest obsession.and I need to stop. In fairness most of it is old … I don’t buy much these days.
    Elaine at least you can justify a lot of your stuff because you card make too. So things like embossing folders get used. I don’t even really have that excuse.

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