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  1. #1
    New Member
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    Minc Foil Applicator Leaving Residue

    Hello, everybody,

    it's a pleasure to meet you.

    My best friend and I have a store at the Brazilian equivalent of Etsy, where we sell framed Christian prayers and psalms from the Bible for home decoration. We use Heidi Swapp's Minc Foil Applicator (the big one) to give the words some shine.

    For the past couple of months, something weird has been happening. Our machine has been leaving residue outside of the plastic folders. It looks like melted adhesive or melted rubber. It is sticky and brown. As the residues are outside of the folder, it wouldn't be a problem BUT as it leaves lumps of this melted substance, the application of foil fails where these residues are, as the heat seems not to go through all the way to the paper. And it is ruining our folders, which are pretty expensive as all Heidi Swapp and Minc products are imported from the US.

    The problem happens if you put the paper inside the folders or if you don't. It doesn't matter. We haven't changed anything. Settings, papers, or foils. We have been using the same ones we have been using since we bought the applicator years ago. We also haven't changed printers, and we only use original toners. We also use the Minc folders to protect our work.

    Do you have any idea what is happening? As we live in Brazil, we don't have any local customer assistance.

    Thank you very much for your help.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Hi rhoshino, welcome to UKS!

    I have a heat foiling machine but can't quite figure out what you mean. Could you post a photo please unless someone else understands. I think you have to do a few more posts before you can upload a photo but that's easy just join in on a few threads. Even if you reply here it will get your posts up.

    Meanwhile is it a laminator type of foiler?

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