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  1. #1
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    Community and Chatting

    At the risk of upsetting someone/anyone and that truly isn't my intention I am simply curious, can someone tell me whatever happened to the old Community Chat? For years it was a place that had different sections with varying subjects and where people went to ask questions about a variety of subjects not to do with scrapbooking. Then it went quiet and now is just a daily chat. I don't join in anymore simply because I don't see the point. I chat on the Snap challenge thread, LOTS of chat going on there and we all discuss our days and life etc..., there is the card challenge and on the occasion I've checked I notice there is some chat on the group threads. It seems Community Chat has become a place to just say the same things as we do on all the other threads, so I don't bother going on there.

    I would love to see the old Community Chat back: remember the other section where if you wanted help with a charity coffee morning or had a personal problem you could discuss it, was it something like Difficult Topics and was only kept on for a short time? That was very useful in my opinion although I can see why it was cut as it wasn't used that often - or was it and it just got cut!

    I can see how CC might be useful for newbies if they just want to see who we are and how we get along and it might encourage them to join in but I would love to see the old CC back again. I can see how CC as it stands now is important if you aren't in a group or posting on one of the threads but just sad to see how it has changed. Does anyone else remember the old CC?

    Another reason people might think we are cliquey is when you go into the gallery posts as an example and see someone has left a comment but used that person's name but it isn't their username (or whatever it is called) then it sounds as though we all know each other very personally. I'm only speaking from personal experience here but I used to feel left out and didn't want to write that person's name in the comment because it felt cheeky because I didn't know them. Does that sound silly, sorry if it does but I can still feel a bit like that after 11 years on here. That is why the moment I notice a newbie signing in I always try to reply and just welcome them so they know we are happy to see them joining and give as much help as they feel they need. I can remember the lurking days very well, too frightened to join in because everyone seemed to know each other so well.

    Sorry Karen, I think I've taken this thread away from what you intended. As for the points, I think what you've suggested is great, I'm not interested in points but on the odd occasion I do complete a challenge always thinks it's a shame I can't donate my points earned to a team or whatever that wants them - waste not, want not. I'll be absolutely truthful, I don't get the points system at all and I'm not being rude, I would be grateful if someone could explain the reason for points because I don't understand the point of it all, at all. Again, I am just curious and all I can say is if people enjoy the points system then great and I would like to be able to donate my points, not that it would happen often sadly. Maybe the point system was more relevant when the site was bigger and had more active members.

    Both on this thread and the other discussing the future of UKS, I'd like to say I am just extremely grateful that it still exists, it is my other family and I think you Karen and of course MaryAnne and Sue and those behind the scenes do an amazing job and I really have no idea how much work is involved. Lovely to see others offering to take over challenges and make life a tad easier for you all. I am simply happy to go with the flow so long as UKS keeps on going.

  2. #2
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    Susie there are loads of things in here that are probably worth addressing but they are not really about points. I don't want the questions to get lost so I have moved your post to a new thread. I will plan to address some of the points that are mine to address but I have some family stuff to deal with till after dinner. I won't forget but if anyone else feels they can add anything or if they have additional questions, post away!

  3. #3
    Crafty Lady Crafty Lady's Avatar
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    As an add-on from Susie's post re points. Are there any benefits to earning points, Do we go with not bothering with points but just doing the challenges we like, rather than scrapping for points but not liking the the pages we're making?

  4. #4
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    I’m happy to create layouts for challenges without points and it would save me having to collate them and send them on each month.
    I think the daily thread is a good substitute for the Community Chat but I don’t ever use it before so it must have been a long time ago?

  5. #5
    Super Moderator scrapdolly's Avatar
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    I had already decided to go pointless ... as it were. I enjoy the challenges - they inspire me and get me to scrap, but the points are reasonably meaningless and from a purely personal perspective no I don't think there are any benefits.

  6. #6
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    As I said previously, I don’t collect points either.
    I do the challenges that I like and set ones that I hope other people would like to do.
    If I’m inspired and learn something along the way, well then that’s a bonus.

  7. #7
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    Leaving out the point and teams issues, cause they are really covered in the other thread, I wanted to discuss the Community Chat issue
    Quote Originally Posted by Susie.A View Post
    At the risk of upsetting someone/anyone and that truly isn't my intention I am simply curious, can someone tell me whatever happened to the old Community Chat? For years it was a place that had different sections with varying subjects and where people went to ask questions about a variety of subjects not to do with scrapbooking. Then it went quiet and now is just a daily chat. I don't join in anymore simply because I don't see the point. I chat on the Snap challenge thread, LOTS of chat going on there and we all discuss our days and life etc..., there is the card challenge and on the occasion I've checked I notice there is some chat on the group threads. It seems Community Chat has become a place to just say the same things as we do on all the other threads, so I don't bother going on there.
    I think the forums are what people make of them. If people begin posting in Community Chat like they used to, it will become what it was. But I think there are SO MANY PLACES (Facebook mostly) where people chat about specific things. Community Chat here was only ever the place where people could chat but not clutter up the actual Scrapping forum with non-scrap related stuff. And yes, the Group threads are where people chat to their smaller circle of friends rathr than with the whole forum. That evolved, I think, because people preferred that.

    I would love to see the old Community Chat back: remember the other section where if you wanted help with a charity coffee morning or had a personal problem you could discuss it, was it something like Difficult Topics and was only kept on for a short time? That was very useful in my opinion although I can see why it was cut as it wasn't used that often - or was it and it just got cut!
    Difficult topics was always a nightmare to moderate. It was created only so people could avoid it, really. So if you didn't want to read about a distressing topic you just didn't go there. And the theory was that people, being WARNED that what was in there was "difficult" wouldn't constantly complain about the inappropriateness of the topics. It never worked and when the boards got quite and the posts in there were SO infrequent, there seemed to be no point. People could still post in Community Chat if they wanted. But no one did

    I can see how CC might be useful for newbies if they just want to see who we are and how we get along and it might encourage them to join in but I would love to see the old CC back again. I can see how CC as it stands now is important if you aren't in a group or posting on one of the threads but just sad to see how it has changed. Does anyone else remember the old CC?
    I think if people start posting a lot of Difficult Topics threads I can see how we might add DT again, but otherwise, there is nothing to stop posting in Community.

    Another reason people might think we are cliquey is when you go into the gallery posts as an example and see someone has left a comment but used that person's name but it isn't their username (or whatever it is called) then it sounds as though we all know each other very personally. I'm only speaking from personal experience here but I used to feel left out and didn't want to write that person's name in the comment because it felt cheeky because I didn't know them. Does that sound silly, sorry if it does but I can still feel a bit like that after 11 years on here. That is why the moment I notice a newbie signing in I always try to reply and just welcome them so they know we are happy to see them joining and give as much help as they feel they need. I can remember the lurking days very well, too frightened to join in because everyone seemed to know each other so well.
    I think that is just the nature of forums. There will ALWAYS be people who know each other in real life or thru their teams. And they might call people they know by name. But doing what you do, reaching out to new people, is a GREAT way to make someone feel included! And I am glad you posted - it means you have come a long way from your first days of feeling left out!

    Sorry Karen, I think I've taken this thread away from what you intended. As for the points, I think what you've suggested is great, I'm not interested in points but on the odd occasion I do complete a challenge always thinks it's a shame I can't donate my points earned to a team or whatever that wants them - waste not, want not. I'll be absolutely truthful, I don't get the points system at all and I'm not being rude, I would be grateful if someone could explain the reason for points because I don't understand the point of it all, at all. Again, I am just curious and all I can say is if people enjoy the points system then great and I would like to be able to donate my points, not that it would happen often sadly. Maybe the point system was more relevant when the site was bigger and had more active members.
    Points in and of themselves mean nothing - there is no prize, except maybe bragging rights LOL! It is merely a motivational tool and a bit of fun. Different people are motivated by different things. Back when there were loads of teams and it mattered to some that they get the most points, it got them scrapbooking, doing the challenges, etc etc. Now lots of people do the Team Challenges not for points but the challenge themselves!

    Both on this thread and the other discussing the future of UKS, I'd like to say I am just extremely grateful that it still exists, it is my other family and I think you Karen and of course MaryAnne and Sue and those behind the scenes do an amazing job and I really have no idea how much work is involved. Lovely to see others offering to take over challenges and make life a tad easier for you all. I am simply happy to go with the flow so long as UKS keeps on going.
    It is knowing how much UKS means to people, even if that number is smaller than it once was, that makes us want to keep it going. Hope I managed to answer your questions, at least mostly!

  8. #8
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    Oh MaryAnne, thank you so much for taking all that time to answer my questions I really do appreciate it and you've given me answers to things that have puzzled me for a while. I can see what you mean about people using FB etc... which I don't. This is as close to social media as I come and I see what you mean about us sharing problems in the various threads. I know in our snapchat group we definitely snap and chat and if we wish to discuss something private we can pm or email. I always point newbies in that direction.

    I remember when I joined and did scrap a lot in those days I was welcomed onto the SLYMI thread and I remember so many of the lovely ladies from then who sadly don't seem to be on here anymore. I often wonder why and if they are okay.

    One thing I do think is important, if I see someone has posted a LO in the gallery and they are new, I try to make sure to leave an encouraging comment, I feel that is important for making them feel welcome. I remember the first time I did that and it was nerve wracking and some kind words of encouragement go a long way.

    Thanks again for taking the time to explain everything.

  9. #9
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Susie.A View Post
    Oh MaryAnne, thank you so much for taking all that time to answer my questions I really do appreciate it and you've given me answers to things that have puzzled me for a while. I can see what you mean about people using FB etc... which I don't. This is as close to social media as I come and I see what you mean about us sharing problems in the various threads. I know in our snapchat group we definitely snap and chat and if we wish to discuss something private we can pm or email. I always point newbies in that direction.
    Very helpful. The forum need new blood as much as it needs old members to come back and be active

    I remember when I joined and did scrap a lot in those days I was welcomed onto the SLYMI thread and I remember so many of the lovely ladies from then who sadly don't seem to be on here anymore. I often wonder why and if they are okay.

    One thing I do think is important, if I see someone has posted a LO in the gallery and they are new, I try to make sure to leave an encouraging comment, I feel that is important for making them feel welcome. I remember the first time I did that and it was nerve wracking and some kind words of encouragement go a long way.

    Thanks again for taking the time to explain everything.
    Also a very valid point. I think commenting on the posts in the Gallery is a great way to engage with people. It doesn't take much - while a long comment citing specific things you like about a layout is lovely, even a simple Great Layout - love the colours! post is encouraging and can go a long way to give confidence to someone who is just dipping a toe in the water, IYKWIM.

    If everyone who posts a layout decides to "give back" by then commenting on say 3 layouts, then the Gallery will become more vibrant a space and more inspirational for all. Maybe if everyone is looking at other posts more often, not just from their friends or teammates, they might find inspiration in an unlikely place...

  10. #10
    A tidy house is the sign of a broken computer tigerlady's Avatar
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    If everyone who posts a layout decides to "give back" by then commenting on say 3 layouts, then the Gallery will become more vibrant a space and more inspirational for all. Maybe if everyone is looking at other posts more often, not just from their friends or teammates, they might find inspiration in an unlikely place...
    There used to be a "Five a Day" thread encouraging people to comment on 5 layouts a day and to post that you have in the thread (thus bumping it and reminding others) Five might seem a bit arduous especially if there aren't many recent uploads, but three sounds good!

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  11. #11
    Super Moderator scrapdolly's Avatar
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    I think that is a lovely idea and well worth everyone doing.

  12. #12
    Dedicated Scrapper alison 2's Avatar
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    Great idea Hilary

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  13. #13
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    It is a great idea Hilary and let's face it, we pop on and off UKS numerous times a day, (or at least I do, usually when I should be doing something else) it wouldn't take much to leave even one gallery comment when visiting, that way they would soon mount up.

  14. #14
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    Good idea Hilary.

  15. #15
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    I chat in the daily chat thread in Community Chat (I'm not on a team). I didn't know any one who chatted in there when I started but have got to know people and we even managed a day out the other year. It has been great to see that recently more people have come to join in. It's names I know from other threads but didn't really 'know' the people and it's been nice getting to know other members a bit better and hearing about the daily lives

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