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  1. #16
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    Well, I typed out a VERY long reply to a post and then went to submit it and was told my "token" had expired. DOH!

    I will address a few things then read all the posts before I reply.

    1. Admin has a name It's Mary Anne. Right now it's JUST Mary Anne, with a huge (MASSIVE) amount of help from Scrapdolly (Karen) and Miniowner (Sue).

    2. The Home Page - I loved it but it took OMG the entire weekend before the Monday debut to create it and it seemed like no one really read it - or if they did there was never and feedback. The Home Page disappeared when we upgraded to the newer vB. So far as I know there is no way to get it back.

    Some things were custom things created by x3 hosting. Once the sponsorship dropped (despite my efforts to reach out to new and old shops, a LOT of places that used to sponsor shut down) the £400-£500 A MONTH that cost UKS just was not do-able. I paid someone on the fly as needed for vB work but he vanished not to long after the upgrade. Some things - like the little menu at the top of challenge and class links - I can't change myself.

    3. Hard to navigate - I have always thought out of sight, out of mind so hesitate to hid things away. The Forum/subforum lists seemed to be the best format, and again some things are limited by the vB software. Happy to discuss other thoughts and can tell you if they would work.

    4. Old challenges are still usefull - or could be. Just like the Scrap Like You Mean It Reboot. They can be brought up to date, I think, with a little work. Document 2020 might work really well, it's a year worth remembering!

    Now I will read everything more carefully - and copy this in case my token has expired again LOL!

  2. #17
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinkerHamilton View Post
    ...more than anything that could change is for the admins to accept help when it is offered. I know they work very hard keeping the challenges coming and for that we are grateful but sometimes life gets in the way, we understand that and perhaps a little delegation or acceptance of assistance could not only make life easier for them but could help others feel they have something worthwhile to contribute the success of the forum
    My reply to your offer of help was Yes, please let's talk after I got done with a week of hospital visits. Maybe I misunderstood and while I thought you would get in touch, you were waiting for me to contact you! Then this mystery group that was bad-mouthing the ScrapHappys mad you shy away. I am not shutting down any offers of help. I am happy to talk.

  3. #18
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maggie B View Post
    Lots to think about here, Karen.
    Some questions, if I may?
    Firstly, how easy, technically, would it be to reinstate the Home Page? Has it been deleted from the database or is it just sleeping somewhere waiting to be reinstated?
    So far as I know the Home Page was either something that was integrated (much like the Photopost Gallery software was) with the version of the vB forum software we were running. When we upgraded, we lost that. I don't think it works with the current version of vB.
    How many actual Teams and Houses take part in UKS activities. Is there a need for new teams/houses. Are there newbies or returnees eager to join in/start up one if a mentor was to volunteer to show them how?
    The Teams program is open so far as I am aware but Dolly will answer that the best. I think if a new group said HEY! Can we be a team?! the answer would be YES!

    Are there any Admin “rules/guidelines” regarding sponsors setting challenges.
    Again, Admin is me, Mary Anne. And no there are no rules. I have always encouraged sponsors to do anything they wanted - host a Cyber Crop or blog hop, do a class (Remember Simple Recipes? I LOVED that class - that was a sponsor provided class and a great one) whatever.

    I have contacted old sponsors every year to ask if they might want to come back, but as the numbers dropped and the opportunities for them to promote elsewhere (FB, their own blogs, etc) got better, more and more saw little payoff from being a sponsor on UKS. Which is why it is so important that you thank those who have stuck with us for YEARS. They are the true heroes here - well, in addition to Karen and Sue, obviously.

    Every time this comes up people suggest charging people to use UKS as a way to replace sponsor funds. Let me nip that in the bud right now. That will not generate the kind of income sponsorship did. But the small £5, £10 and £20 donations that trickle in every year make a huge difference, as does the tiny amount that comes from Google ads that get clicked. I stopped thinking about UKS as a money making business probably 8 or more years ago. I hoard funds from year to year, rolling it over to fund the shortfall the next year. I'm ok with that. If I can mostly pay for the forum hosting, any programming I need, the dedicated internet connection, and my accountancy fees (which I have to have cause I have to file both here and in the USA, and can't be sure of doing it right myself LOL!) I'm good. Would I like it to be vibrant and active and the destination it once was? Of course. Can it? I don't know. But I am happy to try and happy to have "help" making it so.

  4. #19
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapdolly View Post

    I am not sure about the numerous admins. As far as I am aware the only actuve admins are Sue and I alongside MaryAnne. And yes I agree, that Scrap Happy are not the only active team - my team is active too - but perhaps the team with the loudest voice and obviously a clear idea of where we need to go in the future.
    Your title may be Super Moderator, but I consider you Admins. Sorry if I made to much about Admin being me

  5. #20
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinkerHamilton View Post
    Thank you for such a concise reply Karen.

    Your first point: my understanding is that the home page disappeared when UKS migrated to another platform. I’m relatively au fait with web design and have set up a forum in the past. If it is possible with the current platform I am more than happy to take on the home page. ...
    UKS was set up on vB and is still on the vB platform. It was the move to version 4.2 that scuppered the Home Page, although it has been quite a few years now (6 maybe?) and I am not sure how much of it was that and how much was, as I mentioned, any custom programming done by x3 that simply wasn't incompatible with the newer version.

  6. #21
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    Thank you for the clarification Mary Anne.

    I for one am just grateful for all who keep it running and provide challenges. At the moment I am coping with a huge family matter but in the future I would be prepared to be more actively engaged. Until then I think it is safe to say there are people willing to help and will do so which is great.

    Thank you to everyone, admin , super moderators, challenge setters, contributors, sponsors..and last but not least, scrapbookers.

  7. #22
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    I should also mention I have had offers of help with reviving the Swaps forum so if there is interest that might get a bit of a reboot as well.

  8. #23
    You're never too old to try something new ;) TinkerHamilton's Avatar
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    Niot sure about the concise reply!! Maybe that was a joke.
    I was being genuine, I felt you had put a lot of thought into your reply and worded it concisely. I did not set out to offend.

    I am happy to take on the monthly colour challenge from January and I think MA has explained why the home page is unlikely to be revived.

    It seems that the fine line between the titles "Admin" and "Moderator" have been misunderstood by many of us, again I'm sure no offence was meant.

    Although emotions seem to be running high, I see this as a good thing because it shows just how much we all care about UKS.

    I have contacted old sponsors every year to ask if they might want to come back, but as the numbers dropped and the opportunities for them to promote elsewhere (FB, their own blogs, etc) got better, more and more saw little payoff from being a sponsor on UKS. Which is why it is so important that you thank those who have stuck with us for YEARS. They are the true heroes here
    I couldn't agree more and that is why I feel quite strongly the should receive more than just a link.

    MA I am more than happy to resume the conversation, I'll email you to find a mutually convenient time to chat.

    Member of the Scrappycats

  9. #24
    Super Moderator MiniOwner's Avatar
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    If you want to take on Friday 5 be my guest.

  10. #25
    My soul is fed by crafting. thriftycrafter's Avatar
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    Thank you for the information re running costs which I've wondered about but don't remember seeing before- which doesn't mean it hasn't been reported before, my memory is shot.
    It is helpful to begin to understand what is involved in setting up and keeping the forum going.
    Happily Scrapping for Scrap That

  11. #26
    You're never too old to try something new ;) TinkerHamilton's Avatar
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    If you want to take on Friday 5 be my guest.
    You totally misunderstand our intentions.

    Member of the Scrappycats

  12. #27
    We're all mad here! Smudger9572's Avatar
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    I feel a little unqualified to be adding my opinion if that the best way to put it haha.

    However being a reasonably new member to UKS & to scrapbooking I feel that perhaps that perspective may be interesting to some?

    Ok so honestly; I have been very lucky that my MIL is a member on here and is sole reason I started scrapbooking and joined this forum in the first place. My first impression was daunting; not having a clue how this whole thing worked or where to find anything, again luckily I had help! so can absolutely see new comers especially new comers to scrapbooking may avoid.

    point 2; because I knew someone on the forum I was hoping to be able to join their team, mum explained that hers was full. This presented another road block, why is there a limit ? why can I not be part of a team where I'd feel more comfortable? and now for example know a few more people from that team on other social media platforms. This is also no reflection of my current team, they are all lovely! But for me at the beginning it was harder not being able to say 'enjoy it with my MIL' This isn't a dummy out of pram situation; I have tried to stay active an engage with my team but life, a degree & mental health have been a factor. But want to make it clear this has affected how active I am when I've been placed where there was space & don't feel comfortable.
    I hope that makes sense? and ask why does it have to be a group limit?... on that points; I understand. Myself personally I do not come on this forum to gain 'points' I come for inspiration & challenges (don't really care for points) I enjoy a challenge... sorry.

    I do enjoy this platform and again do not feel I can speak when I'm not very active but in honesty I have thought about leaving, I feel its not user friendly, easy to navigate, especially for new members and in some what cliquey ? 'oh no room in that team sorry' then you're left feeling already pushed away.

    I also have felt like you cannot say anything? on this thread even people have given constructive criticism and most have taken this on board with grace and are working together, however its clear with some very short, blunt & honestly quite childish answers back prove why I have felt unable to say how I feel. This whole platform is about supporting and building each other up as creatives, which majority of the time happens & I cannot thank the people who put the effort in to make challenges, comment on each others layouts and make each other feel welcome enough! it can be a fantastic place to be a part of. But I do want to highlight from a newbie perspective the matriarchy, 'rules' & unwillingness to change can feel hostile, to me personally I don't feel in a big community, but again there people and thank you to those who do really make me feel welcome and comment and make this a better place. I really want this to continue however if this continues people like myself will end up just using other platforms.

    I feel awful saying it & again who am I to criticise ? I can be honest and say I really don't have the time to offer much help but still am part of this forum and want it to succeed.

  13. #28
    A tidy house is the sign of a broken computer tigerlady's Avatar
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    Hi Smudger, I am just catching up with this thread but can I say there is NO limit as to how many people can be in a team, the only limit is how many members can submit points and that is 10. You are allowed to join a team as a non=points collecting member and also be in another team to submit points if you wish. Hope that helps.

    Team Leader of Scrappycats My blog

  14. #29
    Dedicated Scrapper Maggie B's Avatar
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    So good to hear someone else’s very valid point of view. I hope your voice is heard by MaryAnn (admin) and Karen & Sue, moderators)
    Member of Scrap That

  15. #30
    A tidy house is the sign of a broken computer tigerlady's Avatar
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    There used to be an "Adopt a Newbie" section but I can't see it at present. Perhaps that could be restarted? I know I "adopted" quite a few in my time- it was nice to show them the ins and outs of the forum and help them gain confidence. Perhaps a thread in Testing and help along the lines of "New to UKS - if you need help, post in here and someone will come and help show you round".

    Regarding challenges etc, they keep me scrapping! I have fits and starts with my scrapping, so one month I do zilch and the next I don't stop. If I want to scrap I use the challenges as a starting point to get me going and would be lost without them.

    Team Leader of Scrappycats My blog

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