Thanks to all who donated. It will all help - and any leftovers roll on from year to year. The more leftover, the less I need the following year.

And it is really important to acknowledge the daily contributions from Miniowner and Scrapdolly. This cannot be overstated. A couple of years ago I was hit with a statin-induced necrotising myositis that is particularly debilitating. I won't bore you with the details but it's something they have not yet managed to get under control. The levels they track should be 20-200. At my worst I was 6000. At my best, a year ago, it was still over 300. I am now at over 1600 and climbing (up 300 last month.) That is enough to say without becoming tedious - I use the numbers as shorthand - higher numbers and I am less strong.

ANYWAY, without those two amazing ladies, who are so dedicated to UKS and keeping it running, adding fresh challenges to keep you motivated, and their unwavering support that means I can do stuff when I feel able but can take a back seat when I am not, UKS would have shut down two years ago.

So in addition to showing support for the sponsors, please let Scrapdolly and Miniowner know how very much you appreciate them. I say it, but probably not enough! I CAN'T say it enough, cause if I tried it would be just about the only thing I ever said.