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Thread: Library Chaos

  1. #1
    Paper Crafter BowBow's Avatar
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    Library Chaos

    I am trying to make sense of my Library where the number of files doesn't reconcile, i.e. Total no. of files is a couple of hundred more than show up when they are listed. I do not understand the difference between the Local User Library and the one with my email address. Some files appear in both Libraries. Is it possible to merge them so that I can see clearly where the duplicates are? I'll be grateful for any help offered.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scrapper DJG's Avatar
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    I don't know about the number discrepancy but when I merged mine some time ago I ended up with duplicate's because the library files downloaded again..... it might have been a gremlin at work but I've never merged then since Shirley

  3. #3
    Paper Crafter BowBow's Avatar
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    Thank you Doreen, think I'll give it a try even though if it downloads the original Library files it will use up 1 of my 3 allowed. Will let you know what happens.

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Is this the old version? In the present version local user doesn't exist.. All your files are under your email address of your account with all the designs in the folders mixed between personal and bought files. I have two accounts with different e mails and wanted to put everything into 1 account but it wouldn't let me move bought files between accounts. A couple of days ago I opened the library to find that my main account has just acquired all files from my old account and more so I have a staggering amount of files, many of which had already been deleted or' lost'. Go figure!!!

  5. #5
    Paper Crafter BowBow's Avatar
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    You are right Susibi, I was still using v.4.1.441 because it did everything I needed but when I read the notes to v.4.2.279 the Library changes seemed to be just the ticket. I now have picture icons for all my files which is wonderful but somewhat frustrating as I have spent more hours than I care to think of compiling a file of screenshots of all my files which I only completed yesterday (prior to updating)!!! It involved looking up each file in the Store, snapping it and putting the result in a folder on my Desktop, something I've been doing over many months, and to think, I could have updated last February and saved myself all the hassle grrrrhh.
    I'm reluctant to update any further as the later ones mention Cameo 4 and I've no intention of replacing my Cameo 3. Well at least the disparity between the number of files has disappeared, I don't know what happened to the 200 odd which were included in the total previously.
    Thanks to Susibi and Doreen for your responses.

  6. #6
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    I remember that when scrolling through a list of files you could click and see png, jpeg images etc , lately when scrolling through files if you click on a Studio file you can see a preview in the same way. I suddenly realised the other day when scrolling through a list of seemingly meaningless names( baby blue topper, baby pink hammock etc!!!) to find a design I knew I had somewhere, I clicked on a file and was able to see the contents. I know it's probably been available for a while but it didn't register with me until recently that I was actually seeing the content of Studio files which is such a great time saver. Probably after version 4.2 maybe

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scrapper DJG's Avatar
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    Yes you're right it has been available for a while can't understand why that option wasn't added ages ago lots of people have been asking for it for a very long time. I used to put each file in a folder and add a screenshot but this is much better.

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