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  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Your thoughts on Cameo 4 and awful software

    Well hello again people.. After years of silence I thought I'd log in and get some informed opinions!
    4.3.273.. Don't get me started on that.. My new Cameo 3 went completely off the rails gouging and cutting all
    over the place. Turning back and cutting over what it had just cut. In the end I went back and installed 4.2.471 and followed the procedure for bricked firmware which seemed to solve most problems. The girls on the silhouette forum here in Italy are tearing their hair out especially those who have bought the Cameo 4. Amongst the problems are erratic cutting, the blade suddenly cutting with enough force to cut through the mat and raise the blade housing, not recognizing the pixscan mat, not cutting even simple shapes correctly etc etc. Up to now the 4 has definitely not made a good impression. So what is the general impression about the 4 people? Do those of you who have one feel it's a good machine? In my opinion they launched everything too soon in a bid to stop users going over to the Maker., but as much as I'd like a machine with greater cutting power and speed my money is staying firmly in my wallet until they iron out the bugs in the software and bring out the new blades so the machine can start to fire on all cilinders so to speak.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Card Maker - Limited Sponsor - Shirley Anne's Avatar
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    Can't comment on the C4 as I don't have one but am not experiencing any cutting problems with my C3 using 4.3.273 on Windows 10. I am a closed beta tester and I do know that there were some cutting issues with V 4.3.263 when using files created in previous versions. The solution was to open the file in 4.3.263 then copy and paste the file in to a new file and it should then cut OK. As far as I am aware this problem was rectified in V4.3.273. The software development team are aware of some pixscan issues and are working on a solution. Also the 64-bit version of Silhouette Studio doesn't play nicely with scanners that use a 32-bit driver, again they are trying to find a solution. I would tend to agree that the C4 was launched before the software was ready and I do know that the software development team are working all out to get things fixed but they didn't get their hands on the C4 very long before it was launched so they are doing their best. I am sure they would have preferred a later launch as well but it wasn't their decision unfortunately. Really can't understand why they would launch the C4 without the new blades being available. Although I could really do with a C4 to help with the testing I am hanging fire on getting one as the C3 and Curio do all that I want although I will probably give in and get one in the end !!

  3. #3
    Dedicated Scrapper DJG's Avatar
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    Wont even think of getting one while my original Cameo is still working

  4. #4
    Dedicated Card Maker - Limited Sponsor - Shirley Anne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJG View Post
    Wont even think of getting one while my original Cameo is still working
    I feel a bit the same Doreen, I use my C3 nearly everyday and it always behaves itself and cuts everything I want and as I am mostly a card maker I don't really feel the need to upgrade just to cut other materials. The only reason I would is for being in the beta testing group but I suppose I could always give that up but it is something I enoy and learn a lot from.

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scrapper DJG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shirley Anne View Post
    I feel a bit the same Doreen, I use my C3 nearly everyday and it always behaves itself and cuts everything I want and as I am mostly a card maker I don't really feel the need to upgrade just to cut other materials. The only reason I would is for being in the beta testing group but I suppose I could always give that up but it is something I enoy and learn a lot from.
    I can't see the point of updating to a later version of the machine just for the sake of it Shirley but if the machine has stopped working that's different

  6. #6
    Craft Roboer pkcase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJG View Post
    I can't see the point of updating to a later version of the machine just for the sake of it Shirley but if the machine has stopped working that's different
    I am happily still using my Cameo with original software as any upgrade I used locked up my computer and I had to hire a software guy to delete it from my PC. If it gets to the point where they do not support the Cameo software anymore, I will offline my PC and Cameo with the software that works now.
    I never had any luck at all with any of the upgrades they put out.
    I only design Cards and Pop-Up books and keep my Craft Robo for my designs as one cannot resell their own designs made with the SIlhouette-Cameo software.

  7. #7
    crazy crafty person AndiDee's Avatar
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    Hi folks. I managed to watch the Hochanda programme last evening (not live so could rewind and rewatch stuff as I wanted). I am toying with the idea of a new machine even though my Cam2 still does everything I need it to, and does it well, plus I do have the Curio. I do have to say that I am torn between the Cam3 and the 4. Common sense says go for the newest version to stay up with the new technology. My heart doesn't agree though. It was obvious in last night's programme that Lisa was more inclined towards the association between the 4 and it's vinyl cutting abiliity. I hardly use vinyl at all so that isn't a clincher for me and the lost storage space that has been given over to the vinyl roll feeder is a bit of a downer. I do use felt though, and the 4 can cut felt but, again, I use wool felt which is very soft and I'm not sure it would react well to being cut by a machine. Craft felt is much firmer so would be a better option but is too stiff for me to use for the figures I'm making, although the 3 doesn't seem to be suited to material at all. I think my biggest area of concern is that the 4 can't be used to draw and cut in a single action by putting a pen in one side and a blade in the other, you still have to do what I currently do with my Cam2 and draw first and then cut by removing the pen and replacing it with the blade, so you gain nothing from the new machine in that area. The programme last night didn't even show any examples of cuts made on much thicker materials (no offense to Lisa, time is limited on these allocated slots) and some of the new tools aren't even available yet, so when you get the machine it appears your initial use will be limited by lack of equipment until at least November and then I guess you will have to buy the blades etc (whereas in the past. if you were taking advantage of a deal you would get all that stuff in the package). I did read that there will be new tools available next year but that they will not be backwards compatible, so will only be for the 4. The downforce is, obviously, interesting. I was always conscious of the difference between the cutting ability of my Silhouette machines and my other cutter which has a downforce of about a kilo max, and I have long berated Silhouette for not bringing out a machine to match it. I said in a post the other day that I was concerned about the two cutting heads having different motors (more to go wrong?) but I also wonder if 5 kilos isn't just a tad OTT - again it shouts specialist materials that I might or might not be interested in and again there was no demonstration of things like wood. My overall impression, having learned the wisdom of cutting machines and companies over about 13 years+ is that this launch is a bit rushed, aimed at the Christmas market and may see new crafters who have never used a machine before finding it a bit daunting. Oh, and I nearly forgot - the autoblade. They are hailing it as one tap but it isn't actually truly one tap.. it is one tap to take it to 0, and then however many taps it is telling you it needs for the medium you are using, so a bit of a red herring. Another issue for me is the autoblade detection function; this will end the ability of crafters to source non Silhouette peripherals and tie them to Silhouette prices. I personally get my blades etc from Graphtec but it is another thing to think about. All in all I think I may hang on until next year; DH has offered to buy me a new machine for Christmas but will be happy to wait for next year's birthday if I haven't decided and we are both still here. A final thing of concern is that it seems the Cam3 will be withdrawn/no longer manufactured once stocks are exhausted. So if I chose a 3 I would need to get a move on or maybe find they are all gone and I have missed the boat. Sorry it is such a long post but I don't get on here much any more!


  8. #8
    Dedicated Scrapper Neries's Avatar
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    Andi I am more inclined to stick with my Cameo 3 for now anyway after watching the show on replay. My Cameo 3 does cut better than my original Cameo especially when using the auto blade. On intricate patterns I do take the speed down to 2 for a cleaner cut. I am going to wait and see what the extra tools will do. I was surprised when Lisa said the extra downforce is only in the second tool holder and as you say two motors so maybe more to go wrong. Although I have never had any problems with either of my Cameos. To be honest I would like what was promised in the Curio combined with the promises of the Cameo 4.

  9. #9
    crazy crafty person AndiDee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neries View Post
    To be honest I would like what was promised in the Curio combined with the promises of the Cameo 4.
    Neries, I agree with that. The Cam4 seems to have become all or nothing in this war of cutting machine companies. I know there is the offer of a 3 year warranty from Graphtec and that is a game changer for me if I go for the Cam4. I also agree about the additional downforce only on one cutting head being a strange decision - maybe a split between the two heads would have been a better option. But for me it is mostly the problem that you can't draw and cut together using the two cutting heads and you have to do exactly what you do now, pause and change the pen out for the blade. Having a production line if you are doing several of the same design is a time saver they have wasted IMO. I had quite settled on a Cam3 if I changed at all but there are so many unknowns and it is a lot of money if you feel you have made a bad choice. Maybe they should have asked more crafters what they really wanted and done better market research, but they are a bit wide of the mark methinks.


  10. #10
    crazy crafty person AndiDee's Avatar
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    Hello Doreen!!

  11. #11
    Dedicated Scrapper DJG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndiDee View Post
    Hello Doreen!!
    Hello Andi. A really interesting post you've made re the Cameo 4. I don't think I would buy it even if my Cameo 1 stopped working I think I would stick with my long neglected Curio

  12. #12
    Dedicated Card Maker - Limited Sponsor - Shirley Anne's Avatar
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    I certainly agree about not being able to sketch and cut in one operation is disappointing, it's a function I really like and it is the biggest thing that is putting me off geting a C4. I do think the rotary blade will be popular though as I see from facebook groups that lots of people want to cut fabric and felt but I usually only cut card and occasionaly vinyl if hubby needs some signs making and I use vinyl sheets for that so the roll holder isn't anything I would use. I gave up on the show in the end but did Lisa demonstrate the matless cutting option ?

  13. #13
    Dedicated Scrapper DJG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shirley Anne View Post
    I certainly agree about not being able to sketch and cut in one operation is disappointing, it's a function I really like and it is the biggest thing that is putting me off geting a C4. I do think the rotary blade will be popular though as I see from facebook groups that lots of people want to cut fabric and felt but I usually only cut card and occasionaly vinyl if hubby needs some signs making and I use vinyl sheets for that so the roll holder isn't anything I would use. I gave up on the show in the end but did Lisa demonstrate the matless cutting option ?
    Lisa cut square's of different material on the mat and drew on a pre-made card Shirley didn't see anything else cut

  14. #14
    Dedicated Scrapper Neries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shirley Anne View Post
    I certainly agree about not being able to sketch and cut in one operation is disappointing, it's a function I really like and it is the biggest thing that is putting me off geting a C4. I do think the rotary blade will be popular though as I see from facebook groups that lots of people want to cut fabric and felt but I usually only cut card and occasionaly vinyl if hubby needs some signs making and I use vinyl sheets for that so the roll holder isn't anything I would use. I gave up on the show in the end but did Lisa demonstrate the matless cutting option ?
    Shirley no Lisa did not demonstrate the matless cutting, only mentioned it. I caught the programme live from about 2.30 then later when it was up watched the reply up until then. Only saw two demos, the Hochanda logo in different materials and making a quick card with the sketch pens. Another disappointment is having to clip on the adapts for the ratchet blades and the pen adapters. I have also read online that the A adapter for the Foil Quill does not fit.

    Andi if (and a very big if) I was to buy a Cameo 4 I would go direct to Graphtec rather than Hochanda. Same price for the basic machine and free p&p.

  15. #15
    crazy crafty person AndiDee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shirley Anne View Post
    I do think the rotary blade will be popular though as I see from facebook groups that lots of people want to cut fabric and felt but I usually only cut card and occasionaly vinyl if hubby needs some signs making and I use vinyl sheets for that so the roll holder isn't anything I would use. I gave up on the show in the end but did Lisa demonstrate the matless cutting option ?
    She only had one blade Shirley, and the suggestion was that the others (rotary blade, kraft blade and weeding tool) will follow in November. I saw on another site about the tools that will be launched next year - just that, nothing about what they will do> Silhouette have already announced that they’ll be releasing a brand new suite of tools to exclusively fit the brand new drive housing that the Cameo 4 will be fitted out with. That means that these new tools will only fit the 4 and not the previous Cameos<. I don't belong to any Facebook groups, to be honest I dislike social media so much that I steer clear of all the usual suspects, but it does mean that I miss out on a lot of "gossip" these days as sites like UKS see memberships reduce somewhat because people are going to the FB groups. I know they are mainly closed groups but it is FB etc themselves, and their questionable ethics, that I dislike and avoid. As Doreen said, Lisa had several different thicknesses of card, canvas, faux leather, chipboard etc in single squares and she cut the Hochanda name and logo, one letter in each square, but actually they were on a mat, so no, I don't think she did matless (although I saw that on YouTube at the convention last year, where they had the new machines including the 15" and 20" ones and they did cut felt matless.) The faster speed was quite impressive (again seen via YT at the convention); but I always think they will have chosen something to cut that will suit what they are demonstrating perfectly without error - they want to sell you a machine after all!! I can see me hanging on until next year to see 1. How much I am using my current Cam2 and 2. What the new and unmentioned tools can do and will it be something that will help me with what I am doing now.


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