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  1. #31
    Dedicated Scrapper bramblepie's Avatar
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    I had to smile at the conversation about Queens English accents
    English speaking people here very much speak like they have a hot potato in their mouth they look at me with a Yorkshire accent and xant tell a word I say sometimes but still proud to be Yorkshire and wouldn't want to change it for the world

  2. #32
    Dedicated Scrapper Crafty Sandra's Avatar
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    This will make you laugh one time when I was in Kenya there were some Americans on another tour. They thought I was an Ausse!!!!!! Not sure they understood what I said but think they got the message I was NOT a Aussie. lol A lot of folk cant understand me down here either lol

    Chinese whisper LO swap

  3. #33
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    that’s funny Sandra. But when we are in Oz, people who we speak to there,
    always ask if we are from Yorkshire.! I suppose that’s because there are so many Brits there,
    that they recognise the different accents.
    On the other hand, when we were in Bath a man said to me “ you’re not a local, are you
    from Lancashire!!!!!! I was offended and told him so. The cheek of the man
    PS. Forgot to say Denise, the die is ordered.

  4. #34
    Dedicated Scrapper Crafty Sandra's Avatar
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    Don't blame you for being offended Ellie just as bad as being thought of as a Aussie lol

    Chinese whisper LO swap

  5. #35
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    It's funny but in Liverpool there must be at least five different accents, ranging from shall we say Queen's English, to no discernible accent, then we go into a hint of Liverpool, then to a Liverpool accent and eventually what they call a Scouse accent. I used to be teased a lot when I moved to Liverpool about my accent which is from the Wirral and only over the Mersey or as they call it here 'over the water'. We, like anyone from the wider Merseyside area are called 'woolly backs.' But on the Wirral it can range from so 'far back' cup sounds like cap, to almost a Liverpool accent. I find it all very interesting and it's the same with names these days. When you speak to someone on the phone there are so many to us, foreign names, I always ask where they are from and how to spell and pronounce their name. It makes me feel sad that because we here can't pronounce it easily they say "Oh call me Adam" instead. I don't want to call them Adam, I'd rather make the effort to call them by their given name - call me old fashioned.

    If there is one thing that bugs hubby it is when someone, usually young people say ' it weren't me' he really hates that.

    Sheila, I haven't forgotten about the die, I just haven't got round to cutting anything yet (wow that's a first from me) thought I'd say it before you did Ellie. I will get some cut for you though I promise.

  6. #36
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    I find that interesting too Susie. In Sheffield it is the same.
    It goes from really broad , which is hard to understand , to quite understandable, with
    just a hint of Sheffieldish.....
    My DDs used to get called posh, at school because although they had a Yorkshire accent,
    it wasn’t broad Sheffield!! I taught them to speak properly, or as they say in
    Sheffield... Proper !!
    The holly wreath die has arrived, and I’ve cut some out. It’s beautiful.
    Thank you Enabler !!

  7. #37
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    Oh shucks, you're welcome Ellie. Check out the stamp on the snap chat forum. Hey, if I'm going to be called the Enabler, I may as well live up to my reputation.

  8. #38
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    Meant to say, try dabbing a load of Versamark ink on it and use some embossing powder, it glitters up really well. Do remember to hold it still with a pokey took or you'll need propolis for your burnt fingers.

  9. #39
    Dedicated Scrapper alison 2's Avatar
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    When we were in Sheffield our next door neighbour had a really broad accent, I remember my grandfather from Somerset come to visit, he had a very broad Somerset accent . The two of them used to talk about gardening over the wall, I don’t know how they understood what the other was saying !
    We moved to sheffield from London when I was five, I remember being ridiculed at school for having a ‘posh’ accent. I soon changed my pronunciation of words like ‘bath’ ! We then moved down south again, near Cambridge, so I made a point of changing my accent again. I now have a non identifiable accent !

    Ellie, your die cut looks great, you’ll have to do the BTCR for June with them.

    SNAP 2022 BTCR 2022

  10. #40
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    When I moved here I'd be in a local newsagents and say "I'll pay for the paper, my husband is reading it over there' and they'd say "Oh he's over thar is he." I'd come out of the shop filling up because they were laughing at the way I spoke. Even hubby still skits at me. When's he's leaving the house I always tell him to take care and he replies,"Which car do you want me to take?" He calls me the Golly gosh girl!

    I tend to pick up other peoples accents and don't let me loose in Wales because I'm talking with a lilt in no time. One time I found myself talking like someone from Southern Ireland even the using the soft slightly lisping sound they make. It's a beautiful accent very gentle on the ear but once I'd noticed I did wonder if they thought I was taking the mickey and the more I tried to stop myself the more noticeable it became.

    I'm not sure what my accent is now. People from Liverpool don't think it's Liverpool but perhaps someone from the south would think it is, who knows.

  11. #41
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Alison my ex— sister in law came from Canterbury, and she says “barth “
    We always used to say. There’s no R in BATH
    Ellie. I might try the June cards, but I’ve got to be in the mood to do
    Christmas Cards.

  12. #42
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    Both hubby and neighbour say Marster instead of master - why! I'm the same Ellie, saying there is no R in the word. Dad couldn't say cucumber, he said coocumber, it made us laugh but he used to get quite annoyed with us, especially when we said "Say cucumber Dad."

  13. #43
    Dedicated Scrapper bramblepie's Avatar
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    I love this talk of accents would love to hear all your voices /accents
    Yes Barth I say Bath too Ellie there's Scone and Scooooonne too
    My friend in the Wirral dirsnt have a Liverpool accent just very occassional I hear a slight accent
    Thanks so much I emailed you Ellie for the die
    Yes I think for Christmas card you need to be in the mood that's usually well into December isn't it but great this challenge to make 5 the same soon found a up a stock and not in a last minute rush so can play a bit more rather than panic
    I already looking through my Christmas stamps to see which one to air next month I will choose one that has the least use or maybe one i not used at all

  14. #44
    Crafty Lady Crafty Lady's Avatar
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    Susie, don't worry about the die cuts, there's no rush, and thank you in advance for doing them. Let me know how much the postage is and I'll reimburse you.

  15. #45
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    Just about to get the die cutting machine out Sheila, any idea how you were planning on using them, as in glittered, embossed or classic white? Don't worry about postage I'm sure it won't be much, they just need to be kept flat.

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