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Thread: Coloured card

  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Coloured card

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I'm just starting out with card making and I have stamps and inks and card bases, but the thing I'm unsure of is card. Coloured card at that. I do have a pack of coloured card that's in a pack that you tear off but it has some texture to it, but I don't have smooth coloured cardstock. I have saw some great craft Youtubers who do these gorgeous cards and they use coloured card to create scenes and such with their stamps. As I am in the UK and a lot of these crafters are American who get their card stock from American sites, my question is where in the UK is it best to get smooth coloured card stock that isn't too light and floppy and is great for using as card bases too?
    I apologise for the long winded explanation to get to the question but I thought it would explain it better. Lol! Probably not though. LOL!
    I thank you in advance for the advise and your patience.
    Many Thanks x

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scrapper Tootsie's Avatar
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    I used to get all mine at the paper mill shops. They have closed their outlets but you can purchase online.
    Best Wishes
    Tootsie (Diane)

  3. #3
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Have you considered printing your card stock as well as stamping. I tend to buy only white card stock and print designs on to it and I can make it any colour I want. One of the best, no I'd say the best card stock I've found is 245 gsm it will make cards or equally I use it for photo's it is that good. I have tried every white card stock imaginable and have never found one that prints as well as this. It is by Kernow Coatings in Cornwall. You can't buy direct from them because you would have to buy in huge sheets by the 1000 but there are one or two middle men who sell it. The last one was on the Isle of Wight. I can get you their details if you are interested. It is smooth double sided card and it doesn't curl if you put it near a radiator. I know because I used to use it to make charity cards so it had to be best quality for printing and for folding etc... If I am printing images onto this card stock they come out so vibrant and clear and then I often die cut them and use as toppers. Hope this helps, but you will get lots of replies and everyone has their own favourite. Let me know if you need further info.

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scrapper phoenix rising's Avatar
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    I recently bought a mega pack buy of coloured card from Cardcraft Plus. It was a pack of 100 Adorable Scorable card which gives you 4 A4 sheets of each of the 25 colours. It has a smooth pearly shimmer finish & is 350gsm weight so will make a card base or a topper easily. Takes stamping very well too. Not too expensive either - £19.99.

    Phoenix rising

  5. #5
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    I often use Pay Per Box - an on line company that sells all sorts of card and paper at VERY reasonable prices. I think they deal with "overstocks" as you can never be quite sure what they have on offer - but always worth a look.

  6. #6
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Many thanks to everyone who replied to my post. They were really appreciated. I messed up a little on some paper I purchased. Reviews had said it was good for card bases but sadly it really wasn't. It was too thin. You live and learn I guess. The paper is still good to use though. The colours are great, quality really good, but it will only be good for backing paper. 160gsm definitely not a good card base thickness. lol x

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    160gsm is fine for backing papers but as you've learnt you need around 250gsm for a base card and then it depends on the card. It is as much to do with the density of the card. So you can have a 250 gsm card which feels sturdier than another 250gsm card. That's why when you find a card you will usually stick to it.

    Like Lesley, I have just gone a bit mad and bought Adorable Scorable but with a matt finish. I just had to see what it was like and the colours were irresistible. It is brilliant for folding because it doesn't crack and I'll rechecking out yiayia's Pay Per Box, I've never heard of them.

    The thing about card is you really need to have a feel of it first and since a lot of craft shops have gone you are left with buying on line.

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