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  1. #1
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    (Inter)National Scrapbooking Day Cyber Crop Quirky Kits Chat & Challenges


    I've started a new chat thread for the Scrapbooking Day Cyber Crop. I will post the challenges here too, everything starts at 1pm on Saturday 7th May. Any one feel free to play along and share what you make if you're uploading it in the UK Scrappers gallery instead of Instagram here's the place to leave your links. The hashtag for uploading to instagram is #quirkykitsNSD

    If you're visiting UK Scrappers for the first time via this thread please take some time to have a look around too

    xx Leo


    1pm - High Five Challenge

    1.30pm - Quiz Fun

    2pm - 30 Minute Scrapper Challenge, (against the clock scrapping)

    2.30pm - Quiz fun

    3pm Scraps + Embellishments Challenge

    3.30pm - Quiz Fun

    4pm - 15 Minute Cardmaker Challenge, (against the clock cardmaking)

    4.30pm Quiz fun

    5pm Painty, Inky Fun Challenge

    Quiz Answers
    Click here to reveal the answers.
    Last edited by CraftyPrincess; 07-05-2016 at 05:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    The first challenge will kick off at 1pm. If you have time now gather together your supplies. If you're a Quirky Kit subscriber parts of the challenges will be to mix up kits so keep your kits together if you can. It doesn't matter if you've already mixed up your leftovers though. You can join in the challenges with whatever stash you have to hand.

  3. #3
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    Challenge 1 - High Five
    For this challenge you have to create a layout with a minimum of five papers and five types of embellishments. If you're a Quirky Kit subscriber an extra challenge is to use a minimum of two kits.
    The sample idea uses mix up of Firework, This Life, Austen, Alcott, Happy Sunshine and Signs of Spring. If you have lots of random bits leftover use this challenge to mix them up and see what you can make.

    You don't need to use full sheets of paper for this challenge. Use it as a way to use paper off cuts and random left over embellishments. Pick out colours that blend and contrast. Here's an example where five sheets have been used. Some were full sheets and some were scrap pieces but the overall finished look you can't tell which is which.

    And here's the finished page:

    Your page doesn't need to look the same but if you need to use it as a template you can use it as a jump off point. If you're playing along share what you make here in the UK Scrappers gallery or on Instagram with the hashtag #quirkykitsNSD and/or tag @craftytemplates

  4. #4
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    1.30pm Quiz

    Cryptic Clues Quiz!
    Scrapbook Brands

    Quirky Kits mix up scrapbook brands and in this quiz we have ten of them represented. Can you guess them using the cryptic clues? Note down your answers and they’ll be a reveal later on, (in the first post at the top of this thread) to see if you got them correct.

    1/ This is an easy one to start with, but am I telling a tall tale?
    2/ These can be handy, but they’re hard to reach if you’re at the other side of the pond.
    3/ I guess you could say this can be filled and filed!
    4/ So delicate and graceful, this atelier is a wonder to behold!
    5/ Are those trousers to you? It’s all in the details.
    6/ Working in this room is giving me a headache, I think it’s the colour, I need some air!
    7/ Term for people in general and a thought from long ago that’s cherished.
    8/ Is this you? Always thinking of yours, can be new ones and not small.
    9/ You can take this one and the other can be a performance.
    10/ Drawing nonsense isn’t it? Don’t annoy me today with your ant ics.

  5. #5
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    Challenge 2 - 30 Minute Scrapper

    This is an against the clock challenge. You're allowed to gather together your supplies first but once you've done you have just 30 minutes to complete your layout. It's a challenge so if you cheat it won't be much of a challenge now will it? To give you extra incentive try setting your mobile phone alarm clock to go off after 30 minutes and really go against the clock! Here's your starting point. It's a sketch from this months' Simple Sketches worksheet, use the sketch to make your layout. Don't forget if you have a go at this challenge share what you make here or on Instagram tagging @craftytemplates.


  6. #6
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    2.30pm Quiz
    Guess The Tool

    Here are two sets of photos of 10 tools used in papercrafting. Can you guess what each one is? Note down your answers and I'll reveal them later on in the first post in this thread.

    Set 1 - there are five tools here, can you name them?

    Set 2 - there are five more tools here, can you name these?

  7. #7
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    Challenge 3 - Scraps + Embellishments

    For this challenge you have to create a layout with just scraps of paper, (small pieces!) and embellishments. For Quirky Kit subscribers as an extra challenge use the oldest kit embellishments you have. The sample idea uses a mix up of Fine and Dandy, Peachy Keen, Sorbet Brain Freeze, Paint Box, Saltwater Smiles and Palette.

    Here's the finished project sample:

    A really quick way to make the arrow paper embellishments, (useful as a way to make your own custom embellishments and use up paper scraps!).

    Last edited by CraftyPrincess; 07-05-2016 at 03:24 PM.

  8. #8
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    3.30pm Quiz

    Scavenger Hunt

    This is a prize quiz on Instagram and Facebook so you need to head there for this one.

  9. #9
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    4pm Challenge
    15 Minute Cardmaker

    Take a break from scrapping and have a go at making a card instead. With this challenge create a card based on the sketch bellow. The challenge is to give yourself just 15 minutes to create it! Use the timer or alarm clock function on your mobile phone and really go against the clock! You can gather your supplies first before starting the time.


  10. #10
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    4.30pm Quiz
    What’s The Brand?

    All these six products have appeared in Quirky Kits. Can you name the brands? The answers will be revealed later on. There are 6 brands pictured 1-6.


  11. #11
    Let the good times roll......... CraftyPrincess's Avatar
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    Challenge 5
    Painty, Inky Fun!

    For this challenge create a layout with a stamping technique using paint or ink and an item from your desk/work surface and it cannot be a stamp! This is the final challenge so it has to be a little trickier. For Quirky Kit subscribers you can only use items from this years’ kits, (so Jan/Feb 2016 and/or March/April 2016). You can use any ink or paint you have.

    I'm joining in with this final challenge. Here's what I pulled out from my kit bits and I'll post up what I've done tomorrow.

    Happy scrapbooking day!

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