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  1. #61
    Dedicated Scrapper Eileen C's Avatar
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    I hope that 2016 brings lots of good things for you and your family, Mary Anne.

    As we start a new year it's a search for a 'new normal' for me, having recently been unexpectedly widowed. I hope that I'll get to do a bit more scrapping, so I'm back on UKS looking for more inspiration.

    I think a link to Facebook in some way is good, as so many (but not all) of us are very active there, but there is still room for a forum platform, I'm sure.

    And yes, huge thanks to you, Mary Anne.

  2. #62
    I'm an Explorer! cheekymole's Avatar
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    MaryAnne - glad you are on the mend and thank you to you and all the other helpers that keep this site going.

    I must admit I don't visit half as regular as I used to as I've "gone off" scrapping a little lately. I do bob in and out though and it would be sad to see it go.

    Maybe there could be a few boards for alternative crafts and I would happily help out with those if required.

    I agree with others regarding Facebook, most people find that easier as it's easily accessible via an app when out and about too.

    First and foremost though it's YOU who needs to decide whether it's still right for you, your health and your family. YOU always come first and don't feel obliged to do it for anyone else

  3. #63
    You wait for a silence, I wait for a word Dan99's Avatar
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    MaryAnne I'm so sorry to hear of the bad time you've been having, I hope that 2016 is a much better year for you!

    As for myself, I had my leg in plaster for the last 5 months of 2014 and I basically haven't done any crafting since August of that year, at first because I couldn't and then because I had just gotten out of the habit. I just checked my blog and there have only been 8 posts in the last year and a half ish, that says it all! I have resolved that 2016 is going to be different and I'm going to get back into it again. Through all of that UKS has remained a constant for me however, I love seeing what people are up to and being inspired even when I haven't been productive myself and check in here at least once a day, usually more.

    I have tried both Facebook and Twitter and didn't take to either, finding the level of narcissism on both to be not to my taste. I would be very sad indeed to see UKS go, if I can help to ensure it's future in any way please let me know.
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  4. #64
    Just call me DC8!! daisychain888's Avatar
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    MaryAnne, thank you for giving us all the opportunity to discuss the future of UKS, all the hard work you have put in does not go unnoticed and I wish you all the very best for an onwards and upwards recovery

    I can only echo what's already been said - I can remember a time when I used to suffer withdrawal symptoms if I couldn't get onto UKS and I would log on several times a day to keep up with the chat. It's inevitable that things change, due to work commitments and family life I'm lucky if I can pop in once a week now, my life is definitely richer because of meeting people, that I now consider life long friends, through UKS so although my ability to join in has decreased I would miss UKS if it were to disappear completely.

    I think the couple of points you have picked up on in particular may help and I would be happy with a 'donate' button

    'people may forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel'

    x Jayne x

  5. #65
    Crafty Blonde leigh11's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear you've been unwell, but glad you are on the mend!

    I too have been AWOL for far too long. After our team disbanded I kind of stopped visiting. This was the first forum I joined so would der be sad to see it go. I still craft whenever I can, I go to monthly crops which def keep the mojo going lol but have to admit that most of my inspiration now comes from Pinterest!

    If I could help in anyway just yell-am a SAHM so around during the days xxx

  6. #66
    Simply MAD about cyber crops! suffolkscrapper's Avatar
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    Hello Mary Ann - it's been quite a few years since I posted. Like Carole I think the social groups changed the feeling of UKS quite a bit. I would love to get involved again - and maybe actually do some scrap booking again! My favourite thing about UKS used to be the virtual crops. my word we had some hilarious laughs! I've med life long friends with several women because of UKS so a big thank you for that. I hope 2016 brings you health and happiness. I shall start finding my way round again.
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  7. #67
    Dedicated Scrapper Crafty Sandra's Avatar
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    For those who arent in a group and just want to chat I started a Tuesday chatter thread this morning. Even if youve not much to say a simple Good Morning would be good.

    Chinese whisper LO swap

  8. #68
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    Hello MaryAnne i hope pray for peace and health for you 2016.

  9. #69
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    I take on board what you say Suky.. but our team have personal chats too and it's never once been an issue.
    I also agree with Sarah that I don't see how having social groups affect anything as you can always contribute to the 'Community Chat' thread if you wish. You done have to join a social group.
    I am happy if a 'donate' button were to be added .. as someone else said, there are no magazines to contribute to these days.
    A link on FB would be great to stimulate some extra 'traffic' if needs be. It's been great to see so many faces on here.

  10. #70
    My soul is fed by crafting. thriftycrafter's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your heart attack, I'm another that didn't know, but really there's no reason I should as I'm not in the same team, that's the thing with UKS, it's big, and that's good. Good to hear that you're recovering well though, your name has always been an authority and a sign of continuity here.

    The houses and teams are good. If things are shrinking perhaps teams could amalgamate as ours has with another shrinking team, it's given people a bit of a reminder to check in.

    I do struggle to find things on occasion here, but I don't think I'd have a hope of finding the weekly challenge for example on FB, it would be about a thousand posts down on day 1. I can't upload pics on FB very easily, it seems to turn them sideways. I haven't mastered the putting pics in the comments thing but manage to get them sized ok for the old way of uploading.

    There would have to be lots of different groups of pics on FB which might be harder to find than here. I just can't see how it would work.
    I do struggle with locating things since the old team threads went and the social groups came, but I usually get there eventually, especially if I remember to sub to the thread, you can't do that on FB, or can you? I don't know it's all too big and manic over there. I use it, don't get me wrong, but work it? Nope, I just bimble about in the dark.
    How would you do a cyber crop on FB? scary.
    Please stay.
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  11. #71
    krazy crafter darm's Avatar
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    personally i love coming on here and think we could make it great again. it has been part of my online routine for years now. I mostly use my team thread as our team have developed a close bond and we as a team like to do challenges. i look in on the general thread and community but there are not as many posting as their used to be,

    i like the idea of bords for other crafts as well, making it appea to new people and others who changed crafts. I tend to go all over the place and do one craft for ages and then switch. even a colouring book section as they are all the rage.

    maybe link in challenges so they can be done with different crafts, not jt scrapbooking or have slightly differernt alternative.

    I also loved the cyber crops and use to make sure my weekend was free
    Last edited by darm; 05-01-2016 at 09:53 PM.

    swaps - chinse whsiper christmas card

  12. #72
    Dedicated Scrapper silvercustard's Avatar
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    Over the years UKS has been a fantastic place for inspiration and to chat to like minded people and I have met some of the best friends I have on here over the years.
    I have found that if your not in a team finding someone to chat with can be hard, I have tried a few times in the past but is difficult if you don't know many people on here.
    I have just come back again after a few years to give it another go and see if I can make a few new crafty friends, join in a few swaps and challenges to keep me away from working non stop! I would hate to see it go even when I haven't been on much, I would pay a subscription or do the donate if that's what's needed to help keep it going
    There is something much more personal about UKS than Pinterest and personally I will not use Facebook for a number of reasons
    Well done to all the team that keep it going , would be a sad day if it folded xx
    Born to Scrap but forced to work!Silvercustard Blogxxx Claire xxx

  13. #73
    AKA Auntie Betty..... I will alter anything ... except myself!!! bevvie's Avatar
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    Like many others I would firstly like to thank you for all your hard work over the years. I have made many treasured life long friends, and have memories that reach far beyond a scrapbook page.

    At Christmas every year I take out my Christmas circle journal that we made in 2006. I treasure it and open it each year to read the pages as if for the first time. UKS gave me that memory together with some very special people in my life.

    Like others I've been guilty of drifting away and not returning, and your request has made me feel that this is what I've missed and why my crafting has drifted ( as well as work commitment s) I know I wouldn't be Able to dedicate the time on here compared to earlier years, but I would so love to come back to such inspiration and fun again.

    I wish you well for 2016, in both your health and all your other life battles, and whatever you choose for the future of His, please know that your site has given so many people some very treasured memories xxx
    Bev xx

  14. #74
    Back to scrapping more... challenge is 52 layouts this year! ;) Opposed to 12 per year since 2011! Kat's Avatar
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    MaryAnne, I hope you're doing ok - having had the heart attack must have been very scary for both you and your family! And I want to thank you for all the work and time you have put into UKS for such a long time!

    As one of the first UKS Members (huh, we did have the info how to find our member number in one of the Cyber Crops, but I can't remember ... think it was in the 30s for my number?) and previous member of our group (was it on yahoo???) I feel guilty for being AWOL.

    I've been a member since 2002 shortly after I started scrapping, and I learned a lot, loved the challenges and team chat. I just checked, my last post was in 2013. I have to admit that in the last 2.5 years I haven't been doing very much scrapping, other crafts (needlecrafts & sewing/quilting) took over. However, I just mentioned to friends that I will take up scrapping more again. My twins are now 4.5 years, and they are partly the reason I didn't have that much time to scrap (despite TONS of photos!!).

    Facebook has taken over a lot of communication with friends and crafty friends, our local Edinburgh Crop has a group there, too, for quicker information and easier access (as nearly everyone is on FB nowadays). I'm also on a US forum for various crafts but I frequent it quite a lot as it's accessible through the Tapatalk app (not sure if that's an option for UKS, MA, I'm not sure if we would have funds for it), which means I can follow particular groups/threads etc and can read/write on my phone/tablet and don't have to get onto my laptop/computer. I'm checking Shimelle's class forums about once a week but I think it's easier to do that as the forum itself is not as big.

    I would be VERY sad to see UKS go, despite me having been inactive for so long. I loved my Green Buttons group (Lydia's Lovelies), but our members dropped off or weren't that chatty anymore, and I didn't want to join another team. I also loved the cybercrops, and all the challenges in the past.

    I don't think moving UKS fully to Facebook would work, as we're a very complex thing now and it would involve too many different groups. However, I agree with all the others that having an FB group or page just to link straight to challenges or events would be great (and it would get me more often over here).

    However, the main thing is: Do you think it can be kept going? If you get people to help you with running it, how much/what would be involved? I don't think anyone would want you (or your helpers) to get stressed out about keeping UKS going.

    I have to admit ... I do miss the Cyber Crops ... and with the twins being a bit older I would actually be able to take part in it again, I think. But I understand that there was a lot (too much?) work involved.

  15. #75
    Dedicated Scrapper bonjen3's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that you have been ill MA xxx I think it would be a real shame if uks was to close, I have met some great friends via uks , I meet up with some regularly , go to a monthly crop and chat online to others. Sadly all our " chat " has moved over to Facebook, probably because as others have said it's easier to access " on the go" on mobiles , with messenger etc. however fb can't offer the same features as a forum like this , so if a way could be found to combine the two that would be great. I haven't posted on uks for a long time , but do use it to search for craft supplies etc

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