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  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper Madame Cholet's Avatar
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    Advice on selling cards please

    I hope this is the right place to ask ... I'm after some advice on selling cards please. A local shop is interested in selling some of my cards but I would like an idea of what people charge for their cards (what the shop pays you before they add on their cut) as have no idea what is acceptable. Also what sort of quantities should I be aiming for initially to see how it goes, and what type of cards/occasions sell the best?

    Any other advice would be gratefully received
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scrapper krafty1's Avatar
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    Have you checked with them if the agreement will be sale or return, or whether they will buy them from you outright to sell on.

    If they want them on a sale or return basis then there are quite a few points you should be aware of - eg theft (who bares the cost), and also if they should go out of business while your stock is on their premises.

    If they are willing to buy them from you outright then the cost they will buy them from you at will probably then be marked up 40-50% by them for their prices to the customer so you would really have to work out whether it would be cost effective for you to go ahead with it.

    If you do all your sums and it seems worthwhile then I wish you good luck and loads of sales.

  3. #3
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    krafty1's advice is ace.

    My twopenceworth is to consider not making up cards for the shopkeeper to sell (I don't believe you will ever get enough to make it worth your time) but to make some samples for display purposes and to advertise a "made to order" service. This also has many pitfalls, especially involving whether the client believes you have successfully produced what they had in mind, and whether they will adequately compensate you for your time. You see it does not occur to clients that more time is spent "thinking" than "doing", so they do not take it into account in valuing the work.

    I'm sorry the advice received so far is depressing, even negative, but there really are more pitfalls than would at first occur. However, if you manage to find a niche as yet unfulfilled or you have found a way to produce unique handmades in a time orderly fashion so that it becomes worthwhile, then I say go for it and all the very best luck in the world to you.

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    My m-i-l used to have a "shop" outlet for her cards. The shopkeeper used to ask for certain cards and quantities ie 20 Valentines, 15 Father's Day etc etc. As far as I am aware they were done on a sale or return basis, but most of them did sell. I think the shopkeeper used to add between 20p and 50p per card to her price. I know she only charged them about £1 each for the small
    C6 size but they were very very simple and all she wanted to do was cover her costs, which she was doing.

    I have done lots of "selling" not in shops but village fetes, festivals etc from which lots of orders have come my way. I usually have a wide range of occasions covered, but with a view to be able to add certain greetings, can personalise etc. I usually do the larger C5 size and charge from £1.50 for the simpler ones to £4 for a bookatrix style. With the orders a lot of people pay more than I have requested which is always good! One thing I will have to say is be prepared to have requests for cards that you might not have the materials for, and possibly tight deadlines.

    Good luck in you "new venture"

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