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  1. #226
    Dedicated Scrapper Bush Girl's Avatar
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    Arrrrgggghhhh crisis of confidence going on here......need to know whether I'm nuts, or what.

    I've just totted up my There pages (that I still need to complete, I might add) and I've come out with a figure of 13 double LOs!!!!! Yep, 26 pages in total. Before you faint, my LOs are digital and only take about half an hour to knock up, so time is not the issue, but dollars are, as each page basically adds a $1 to the cost of my print out. Finances are not a problem, I'm relieved to say, but my album's gonna be ENORMOUS (I've already created 8 DLO for the Here section).

    So am I nuts?

    Are people being selective with which destinations they include? I've basically gone for a DLO for 3 small holidays, and 2 x DLO for 3 big holidays, and finally 3 x DLO for the place that was my home for 3 yrs (can't work out how to reduce it down to just this - I have about 10,000 pictures of my time there!).

    So now my head is spinning, I'm achieving nothing and my kids are running riot as I'm typing this instead of putting them to bed. And worst of all, there's no wine in the house!

  2. #227
    Dedicated Scrapper lacemaker's Avatar
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    Thank you for your comments .My book is the Maya Rd one Shimille is using for all of it. Useing Ocbter Afternoon for next one There.

    Mar. Cards 10=50=50

  3. #228
    A GoGo Girl! Maxpuppy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bush Girl View Post
    Are people being selective with which destinations they include? And worst of all, there's no wine in the house!
    I should think that most of us will selective. My "There" section is going to be enormous and I'm being as picky as I can be! There's no wine in this house either, as DH on a diet.
    Doing it my way.

  4. #229
    a Stewarton Scrap Dolly :) hevbell's Avatar
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    I haven't really planned my pages yet but I only intend to use one or two photos or a picasa collage of smaller pics for each trip. I think this album needs to be quite general for me, not too in depth about each trip that I need photos of everything. I guess that is why one of the questions is "which photo sums up this trip for you" or something like that.

    I'm hoping to get a 5x7 book [still to find one!] but my idea is to do one DLO for each of my topics - fave cities [cos I have two I can't choose between], fave country, my Euro trip after college, fave roadtrip, fave daytrip desinations and my timeline page

    actually thats rather a lot!!! :/

    sounds like you need to do several albums just on where you used to live to get all those pics scrapped!!
    *Heather* ~~ My blog

  5. #230
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this section is going to be huge (and may grow in future years if you keep it as an ongoing project ). I've worked out holidays I've been on from 1988 (when I left school) to date and even with just the annual main holiday that's a lot of pages. Saying that I'm not much further than listing dates, destinations and bits I can remember so pages may be a while yet. Still don't know what size album to use!!


  6. #231
    Scrap Sister lambeek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bush Girl View Post
    Arrrrgggghhhh crisis of confidence going on here......need to know whether I'm nuts, or what.


    So am I nuts?

    So now my head is spinning, I'm achieving nothing and my kids are running riot as I'm typing this instead of putting them to bed. And worst of all, there's no wine in the house!
    No, not nuts. I've started my list to do my time line and I have 15 destinations on the list, and that's without a city breakdown for Italy and Greece. So even if I just did a single layout for each destination I'm up to about 20 pages And that doesn't include the multiple trips/photo groups for Paris and Brussels......

    Oh, but we have got wine..... want me to send some over

  7. #232
    Dedicated Scrapper Bush Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lambeek View Post
    Oh, but we have got wine..... want me to send some over
    Thanks for the virtual wine, Lis. I seem to have survived the evening without (although if I'd read Ruth's post earlier I'd have jumped in the car and bombed over to her place) and managed to scrap 3 pages so feeling a little clearer headed (? is this English?!). HOWEVER, have just been upstairs to find 2 children (the larger, heavier ones) in my bed, and one child in his own room but on the floor! Am thinking of sleeping in spare room.

    Oh well, tomorrow's another day and the Co-op sells good wine! See you all in the morning.

  8. #233
    Dedicated Scrapper Alisong's Avatar
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    I hope you managed to get a good night's sleep

    I took the prompts to read in bed last night and I'm sure I read that this was quite a small section - the 'timeline' seems to be the main bit. I obviously got that wrong & need to reread I haven't yet done the timeline but am going to sit down & do that today - well after the huge pile of ironing that doesn't seem to go away but just gets bigger.


  9. #234
    Dedicated Scrapper Scrappycarrie's Avatar
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    For my There section I have decided to be selective. My timeline has 16 holidays - and that is just family holidays - and so I am in the process of going through all my photos and choosing the ones the best sum up our holidays.

  10. #235
    a Stewarton Scrap Dolly :) hevbell's Avatar
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    i definitely don't intend to have pages for every trip or place i have been, I have layouts for a lot of places already. I don't think you NEED to do that, its each to their own I guess. I'm being selective in picking a couple of favourite things and adding layouts on a couple of big trips as well as my timeline, which will just be a list of where and when, and prob a 6x4 collage of some pics. no more detail than that I don't think. I don't want to end up with War & Peace!! I want something I can pick up

    I HAVE finally decided on a book though got 8x8 chipboard today but plan to have the inner pages be 6x8 so I can make the 3 dividers slightly bigger & have tabs and also so I can get two pages from one 12x12! Glad to finally have made that decision so now I can plan things finally
    *Heather* ~~ My blog

  11. #236
    Dedicated Scrapper MrsH's Avatar
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    I've decided to do the main hols DH and I have taken together which last over a week - think that comes to 13 in total - so just as well we've another booked for later this year .

    Not quite sure how I'm going to do it so it doesn't look too bulky but am thinking along the lines of using the pull-out inner pages Voodoo Vixen created in her album in the last Cybercrop. Key photos from the hols with dates and places etc on the outside and the journalling hidden away inside. So it will be one visible page each for each hols.

    Will prob print the photos digitally (using and may be adapting the digi template downloaded for this class) for each of the hols to keep it simple and uniform for all the hols. May tweek the template so it allows you to use 6x4/4x6 aspect photos rather than squares.

    Looks like I'm going to end up with three separate albums for this class though!!
    Karen (My Craft Blog / My Blog)

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  12. #237
    Dedicated Scrapper suejacko's Avatar
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    Am struggling to catch up, just uploaded 12pages for the Here section and have a couple more to do. I, too have decided to do 3 albums which I hope to put together in some kind of container. May adapt the There section slightly as have over 50 years of holidays to accommodate. Am going to call it 6 out of 7 as that is how many continents I have visisted (a bit of a cheat as I made day trips to 2 of them from other places LOL). Am adding to my list next week as am off to Berlin so know there is no chance of me completing in the time.

  13. #238
    a Stewarton Scrap Dolly :) hevbell's Avatar
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    starting to think I'm the only one who IS being selective and not doing every trip! I'd never get it done [being I haven't actually started yet!] if i did that though, even although I probably haven't been as many places as a lot of folk! plus I am hoping to give my crops BIA a workout with the finished book so can't have it be insanely thick. I'm excited to try it out as we have had it for ages but I never normally do mini books so haven't had an excuse to play with it..

    have a fab time in Berlin!
    *Heather* ~~ My blog

  14. #239
    Dedicated Scrapper Bush Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hevbell View Post
    starting to think I'm the only one who IS being selective and not doing every trip!
    No, no, you're not. I counted up that I've stayed in 62 places, the majority of which are here in the UK, but I'm only doing 1 UK destination and 6 foreign ones, and all of these only happened since 2005.

    I'm cracking on, just having the two biggest sub sections left to do - but remember I'm digital & minimalist so I can be quick.

    Well, I'd better be as I have CT obligations tonight and there are loads of CSIs on tonight (I know, they're all repeats, but we didn't get this when I was living in Singapore so I have years & years to catch up on).

  15. #240
    Would like some time to scrap now please! rebekah22's Avatar
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    I am way behind now!! Laptop broke and I haven't had anything that an read my photos until today. Hoping to start catching up this week.

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