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Thread: Another newbie

  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Another newbie

    Hello Everyone
    Another newbie here I've had my 'robo' for about 4 months now and still not had much time to play properly yet!! hoo....
    I love looking at this site and have done so since before christmas (thats what persuaded me to get my robo) and all the help and advice everyone gives - is really great.
    Your template section is fantastic. You must all be really proud of what you have achieved.
    Now, decision time - Do I use my time either making cards that I need/love to do or start looking at the tutorials and hopefully creating some of my 'masterpieces'??
    As more than one of you have said it is a 'big learning curve' and 'don't run before you can walk'
    I think your results speak for themselves.
    Best wishes

  2. #2
    kate kassy's Avatar
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    hi gilly and welcome to the forum, not had my robo very long and still trying to learn to make different things with mine, it is time consuming and all my card making had gone out of the window for a few weeks, while i was trying to come to terms with working the robo, it is best to learn one thing at a time, then make cards which you love doing, then try some thing new in robo, that is what i have been doing, otherwise robo can take all your time, leaving no time left for actually making cards,, i think if you spend to much time trying to try different things that the robo can do all at once, you end up getting despondent were as in between learning time, you are able to relax making cards, if this makes any sense to you Lol, i do go on a bit, at the moment i would love to learn how to make my own pop ups, not in a hurry at the minuet, but i am sure i will learn in the end, with a lot of help from all the friendly people on here, enjoy your robo.


  3. #3
    Dedicated Scrapper silverst170's Avatar
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    a crafty place
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    welcome to put mad house
    hope you'll enjoy it
    and if you get any problems just let us know
    tina xx

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