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  1. #31
    Dedicated Scrapper adrienneq's Avatar
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    Another Norfolk member

    I’m Adrienne, married for 35 years to Quin, we have one son aged 30 and a beautiful DIL. I’m the 3rd member to post from Norfolk. I was brought up in Norwich but then joined the RAF, I met my husband in Germany and continued to travel with him until coming back to Norwich for my son’s education.

    I play with computers for a living, as the Business Computer Manager at a research institute. Love all sorts and crafts and computers so the CR is just my sort of toy.

    Am moving house in the next couple of months so that is keeping me busy at the moment. Hope I don’t make you all to jealous but I am going to demolish the garage after we move in and build a craft room, Ah can’t wait.

    Love the list as it seems to have a good balance of help, templates and chat.

  2. #32
    Dedicated Scrapper YorkieMomFlUSA's Avatar
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    Hello name is Pam and I live in North Florida, USA with my husband and our 3 1/2 year old Yorkie, "Miss Dani". We have five grown children (him 3, me 2= 5 "ours"), six grandchildren (him 4, me 2= 6 "ours") and three great-grandchildren (3 his = 3 "ours"). My DH is retired, but thank God he plays golf four days a week!!!

    I am into card making as well as scrapbooking, both paper and digital. I started scrapbooking in 2000 when our youngest son got married and I love fact, I love ALL paper crafts.

    I purchased my CR, "Roberta", this past October. Right now, I am in "withdrawal" as I purchased a new Dell computer in February and it has Windows Vista Home Premium and Graphtec did not have Vista drivers for it. According to PhilK, they should be available the end of this month. I am so looking forward to working with my "Roberta" again!!!

    I think all of you here at UKS are a great bunch of people...I am so glad that I found you. By the way, I am of Scotch-Irish descent and I spent three years in Frankfurt, Germany back in the sixties!!! As a matter of fact, I graduated from high school in Frankfurt and had my first job there with Special Services for the Armed Forces.

    I look forward to getting to know each of you and thank you so much for all the help you have given me.....not to mention all of the great files!

    Warmest Regards, Pam

  3. #33
    Robo Cookie sassyinteriors's Avatar
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    It's great to meet everyone! My friends call me Sassy, I'm 35, and I live on the Texas coast. I have been married to my wonderful hubby for 18 years in May, but we have been together for 21 years. I have a 16 year old son, and an 18 year old daughter that is a senior this year, and will be leaving for college in Aug. I think I will probably take her leaving home much harder than she does.
    My DH got my CR for me a couple of weeks ago for my birthday, and I just adore it! I have been doing some kind of crafting all of my life, you name it I've probably done it.
    I have a gift and home decor store for about 4 years now. I just love it! It's hard work, no money, and many hours, but very enjoyable. I wanted the cr to make stencils with, but now I'm going crazy with it!
    I'm really glad to have found this forum, I really enjoy reading it and everyone is so helpful and talented. I have never visited a forum this much before.
    Again, it is very nice meeting everyone!
    Take care and see ya,

  4. #34
    Robo Rebel Krewella's Avatar
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    I'm Leza 38, live with husband Scott and I have 1 daughter Rebecca in Northwest London. Have been crafting forever and love all kinds of craft from knitting to water colours. I work in a school, was a special needs assistant for 18 years now moved into the office. I love card making and I'm just working out my own website.

  5. #35
    Pink Rose caswall's Avatar
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    Nice one Niki, this way we get to know each other and I want to say a warm hello to everyone. I am Carol I am 52 or is that really meant to be 25 oh how I wish........ I still feel that inside but the outside is showing a bit of wear .

    I live in Blyth in Northumberland and have done for the last 25 years, my home originally was Cheadle Hulme in Cheshire. I got married (for a 3rd and final time) to Bill my DH who works away at Sea , as my Dad said at our reception I keep trying to give her away but she keeps coming back...... typical of my Dad's sense of humour. I have no children would have loved to have just not meant to be, but my DH has 3, two boys and a girl, but we don't see much of them. I have a cat called Missy and a rabbit called Emo both of whom I totally adore, they are my babies.

    I am a card maker rather than a scrapbooker and I love it. It all started about 3 years ago when I bought my first card making stuff of QVC then it was Create and Craft and then wherever I went and there was a craft shop. I just can't stop buying stuff, I will say though out of everything I have bought including all the different kinds of die cutting machines that my darling robo comes out tops. I am totally addicted to it and this site. My DH bought me Robo for Xmas just wished I had found it sooner and it's the best thing he could have ever got me, he encourages me no end and supplies me with endless cuppa's whilst I am on here and making cards, so a big thank you to him from me.

    Thank you to everyone for making it such a happy place to be.

    Warm regards

    Carol x

  6. #36
    Meg in track team SuzieQ's Avatar
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    Hi I am Sue, married nearly 15yrs to an American in air force. I have a daughter who is nearly 13. We moved to Florida nearly 4 yrs ago and love it. DH is now getting reposted to Lakenheath Suffolk in June so we will be returning to UK for 3 years. We are keeping our beautiful house here to return to when Dh retires (aged 40) in 3 yrs (although he'd better not planned to stay home!!!) I am an RN in our local ER part time and love it, I am a Girl scout leader and band parent which means hours of time with our brilliant school band. DD plays clarinet in symphonic and marching band and sax in jazz band. She is most disappointed about moving back to UK only because she will miss her band so much.
    I have been scrapping for many years, used belong to Ukscrappers 4-5yrs ago and recently rejoined. Do not have a ROBO but who knows maybe on my return.... a little treat for myself may be in order.

  7. #37
    Dedicated Scrapper shihtzu's rule's Avatar
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    Hi Everyone, I'm Vicki, live in sunny Queensland Australia, miles from anywhere, go weeks without seeing anyone but hubby, I have the very BEST hubby in the world, they broke the mould after making him, He is my world, 2 wonderful sons, both married, grandkids, and my little baby boy Banjo, a shih Tzu who is constantly by my side day and night( till dads home) has his own chair by my computer, and is a total joy to own, Never had much time or interest in crafts,except when I was a kid, till my hubby bought me a computer and a couple of graphics programs, well that was the end of housework, I have self taught myself on the computer, (couldn't even turn 1 on a few years ago), and love designing bits and pieces, My son and his girlfriend asked me to do their wedding invites etc I was horrified to start with, me!!! do something like that, well they loved them, so I started making xmas cards for fun, then Hubby suggested I put my cards on ebay and sell them, my sons and my hubby pushed me and pushed till I did, and I was totally shocked at how many sold,
    in a short while I was getting orders etc, that was about 18 months ago, Now I have my own ebay craft store which I built up from scratch, I create and sell cards, embellishments, 3D butterflies for card making and weddings, 3D frangipanis for cardmakers, scrapbooking and weddings, 3d scatter butterflies for cards weddings etc, and find myself working 7 days a week, and loving every minute of it, I have created a full time job for myself working from home, and still find it hard to believe that people out in all the different countries are buying things that I have created myself, I still sometimes pinch myself to see if it is all real, it seems everyone in my family had more faith in what I was doing than me, recently hubby talked me finally into buying a Robo, something I didn't think I really could use a lot and thought would be a waste of money, took Hubby nearly 4 months to talk me into it, BOY, was I wrong, Rob works away on and off every day now would be lost now without it
    Joined this forum when I bought robo, and feel I have made a few friends, you all make my weeks of not seeing anyone but hubby more enjoyable
    Thank you all
    Cheers Vicki

  8. #38
    Dedicated Scrapper jackiestuart's Avatar
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    Hi I am Jackie age 60 married to Stuart for 41 years we have one son a lovely D I L and two grandchildren boy 13 and girl 7.
    I have recently retired from Social Services where I worked for 33 years, so in theory should now have more time for my hobby (card making) which I took up 7 years ago mostly using rubber stamping designs but since getting the CR last year I haven't been using stamps as much.
    I first got to know about this site from my meeting with Phil I had seen him demonstrating the CR on a certain craft channel, without my knowing my DH had arranged to meet Phil at his factory in Wales for a demonstration. I was very impressed not only with the CR but also with Phil who was more than happy to demonstrate what the CR could do and was very helpful answering all my questions and gave me the address of this web site the rest is history so to speak.
    I have to say that the people on this site are so friendly and helpful which is great for someone like me who hasn't had the CR for long and can sometimes get into difficulty without really trying.
    So a BIG Thank YOU to everyone on scrappers.
    Kind regards

  9. #39
    Kutter Krazy
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    great idea Niki..great to see where everyones from

    my names Ginny 38(sshhh) yr old mum of 5...3 boys 19,16 & 12 and 2 daughters 14 & 2 (yes there's a big gap, our little surprise package!). Until recently lived in rural New South Wales, Australia on 25 acres but poor DH commuted to Sydney and back (4hrs away) every weekend so that he could work. We all upped stakes and moved back to the "big smoke" last month to give him a break (he'd been doing it 4 years). Hardest part was leaving oldest DS behind (wont leave his gf - LONG story and some ppl gave me great advice in the difficult subjects forum..thanx guys) and giving up my job as a teachers aide at our local school..thort i would miss the bush more but as we are living on 5 acres its not so much as a culture shock! being a SAHM but might have to consider going back to work if we get too strapped for cash running 2 houses... am an avid photographer and have STACKS of sister introduced me to scrapbooking (I used to drive her around all the shops) and when living in the bush , i used to buy up big as no shops nearby, hence i have ALOT of supplies and recently opened an ebay store hoping to "offload". am loving all the files being shared an appreciate all the advice being offered..thank you all

    anyway, realised I'm rambling and this small box is misleading as to how much i actually wrote...cheers all :0)

    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain....

  10. #40
    Dedicated Scrapper Winnie's Avatar
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    Hi All,

    I have been lurking in the templates room for the past week and thought it was time I introduced myself. My real name is Wendy, I live in Western Australia and make cards in my spare time. I got my CR just before Easter and we are getting to know each other at present!!
    I found the site from a link in a Queensland site for CR users when I was trying to decide if I needed one...I moderate on a crafting site from the US so if my avatar looks familiar I've kept that but had to change names.
    I hope to get my postings up so I can share the file I made and start giving things back.....

    Enough from me..

    ps probably not the place to ask...but how did I get dedicated scrapper under my name??? I don't scrap ;-)

  11. #41
    Dedicated Scrapper jajeem's Avatar
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    My name is Hélène. I am married 34 years to my busband and we have two children: One daughter (married with 1 child) and one son (living together). I am 55 years old and started cardmaking some 5 years ago. Born in the Netherlands, we moved to Sweden in October 2004 and living here to our satisfaction on the countryside. In fact in the middle of our own forrest. We had a flashing start in Sweden. After 3 months our paradise was hit by a hurricane and we had to saw ourselves out of our property. Some 40 trees were lying around like broken matchsticks. This did not deterr us. After having learned to speak the language I started a small hobbyclub. Now I am teaching elderly ladies (like myself) and young teenagers how to make cards. You cannot accuse me of having a particular style. I change styles like I would change my underwear At the moment it is 3 dimensional clippings pasted on templates I get from you guys. I have had my Robbie since january. After having glared at the machine for some time I finally dared working with it. Used it but for a small part of its capacity. Since I became a member on this forum I have really made progress. Thank you all for getting me to know my machine better. Have never in all honesty been a member on a forum that is so well run and so generous with kind help and files. One more confession: I start my day visiting CR chat before I open my email. Does that make me an addict?

  12. #42
    Happy Scrapper Lindyloulou's Avatar
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    [quote=Winnie]Hi All,

    I have been lurking in the templates room for the past week and thought it was time I introduced myself. My real name is Wendy, I live in Western Australia and make cards in my spare time.

    Hi Wendy we have family living in Bunbury, we last visited them in May 2000. Also have family in MacKay Queensland so when we visit OZ we have to go to both sides.


  13. #43
    Dedicated Scrapper Freedom's Avatar
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    Hi everyone. I'm Olive, 44 with 4 children ,two biggies 19 and 17and two littlets 10 and 7. I've been married for 20 years and my Dh bought me the Robo as a surprise for christmas (I didn't even hint as I thought it was very expensive).I've been lurking for months and only started posting recently.Oh.......! I'm from Dublin Ireland.Thanks everyone for the helpful info here, I couldn't have asked for better .

  14. #44
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    rolling new to UK Scrappers and Robo Craft

    My name is Bonnie and I am very new to UK Scrappers. I only signed in after I bought my robo craft at Alexandra Palace 5 days ago. I love my machine but have a million questions ( like why does it only cut the left side straight through when cutting card stock, even on the deepest blade?????)
    This is my first time in a forum so I am not totally sure how it works yet.
    I live in Portsmouth and am married with a nearly 13 yr old daughter. I own my own kitchen, bedroom company and do all the design work for it. My craft robo was a delayed birthday present from my husband to distract me when my best mate returned to Canada following her first trip here. I must say- it worked quite well!! ( now I can send her even better cards!!)

  15. #45
    Crafting to raise funds for young hospital patients to craft. jennyonevoice's Avatar
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    Hi I am Jenny 47 on saturday and I live in Huddersfield, with my husband and two grown up sons. One who is just going to be a JET in Japan for a year and the other who is going to Glasgow school of Art in September. MY NEST IS GOING TO BE EMPTY!!! I have been making cards for about 5 years. I am a full time Early Years teacher and up to this year have only crafted when the mood grabbed me. But last year my friend Angharad died at the age of 29 from the illness LUPUS. You might have read about her in Take a Break this week. So this year me, my sister and two friends are making cards to sell to raise funds for research into this horrible illness. We love crafting and in the school holidays have craftathons! its fun and its for a good cause. If anyone fancys making some for us just let me know. I love my craft ROBO, thanks to everyone on this sight I am making good use of it too. I have only uploaded two files which I created - dont have time for the intricate stuff. Just use all you clever peoples so another big thank you to you all.

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