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  1. #13
    Dedicated Scrapper
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ascoli Piceno, Italy
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    Trader Rating: (1)
    These tips and tricks are a sort of hotch potch of what has been previously published on here by Michelle Hessler, Sandy McCauley, Susibi, Stressed and Erika to name but a few - abridged and edited !! as we progressed we've found that some steps which seemed necessary from a graphics point of view weren't necessary for the final result so why do them!

    Simple welded word in Inkscape:

    1)Open Inkscape
    2)new page - landscape A4
    3)View>Display Mode>Outline

    Choose any NON SCRIPT font

    Type your word
    To join your letters : Click between each letter then using Alt and left arrow
    move your letters until they touch
    Type each letter separately then using your cursor join them together
    Select your word ( best way to select is to hold down your left mouse button and drag a box around your word or image)
    Path>Object to path
    You have a welded word

    To make a mat:
    select your word then Ctrl D and CtrlShift ) again as many
    times as you need to make your mat

    Word art in Inkscape:

    First three steps as above
    Choose font ( any font)
    Type each letter separately
    Using your cursor move and/or rotate the letters until they all touch each other
    Select your word
    Path> Union
    You have a welded word

    To make a mat:
    select your word then Ctrl D and CtrlShift ) again as many
    times as you need to make your mat

    Simple script:

    First three steps as above
    Choose a script font
    ( eg English Script)
    Write your word
    to join those letters that aren't joined up click between them and do Alt and left arrow
    Select word
    Ctrl Shift )
    ( ie hit your Ctrl key Shift key and bracket key together)
    you have welded script.

    To make a mat:
    select your word then Ctrl D and CtrlShift ) again as many
    times as you need to make your mat

    To make 'words on an edge'
    ( greatly simplified)

    Steps 1 to 3 as above
    Draw a shape
    Type your letters separately on the page
    Move them until they are over the edge of the shape
    Select all

    To make words in a box:

    Steps 1to 3 as above
    Make a welded word and move to one side

    Make a frame:

    Draw a shape
    Ctrl D
    Ctrl +Shift+ ) ( hold down Ctrl and Shift and hit bracket key as many times as you need to make your frame)
    Select all
    Path>Exclusion - you have a welded frame
    Place your welded word over your frame
    Adjust size and position
    Select all

    Remember : When your word is welded it is considered as an object so to weld two images or words together select all then Path>Union

    By using Ctrl +Shift+ ) to weld a script word you are using the Path>Outset command and your word may result a little 'fatter' than you want. To make it thinner once it is welded simply hit the ( key

    these are the instructions for Inkscape they all finish with:
    Save as .dxf
    Load into CR ( File>Load dxf)
    Select all change line clour to black
    Group each individual image

    Last edited by susibi; 16-10-2006 at 11:25 AM.

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