Hi Shirley. Your printer looks good. I do like their printer designs, and the fact your one has a rear feed is a real bonus. If you only print A4 then it sounds perfect. I chose an A3 as I can use it with 12x12 if needed and it didn't take up too much space. Have a look on the Canon creative site, it has some good ideas on it. As for installing it, most of them are pretty much plug and play these days. Hope you get on well with it and it turns out to be money well spent. The Silhouette software updates, whilst I agree with you they seem geared to the Cam4, will have things in them to deal with bugs and also for security. It is always best if you can have the most up to date software if it is stable and, if it causes you issues, you can always go back to the one you are currently using because it is still available in the legacy versions https://www.silhouetteamerica.com/software/ss/download
