I have used Silhouette Studio today for the first time in anger, but not for my portrait.. I just needed to do a simple design and figured that SS would be ideal.

The design couldn't be simpler.. it just a flat rectangle in the background.. And a little bits of text in the foreground.

I am used to using the select tool to draw a rectangle around the bits I want to select and then move/resize.. But I hit a snag.. When you have the filled rectangle in the background, as soon as you click you select the rectangle and drag it, rather than draw a rectangle with the select tool.

Is there any way around this? Is there a modifier key you can press so that it allows you to drag and select?

The only way around this was to drag the background rectangle off and out of the way.. Then I could use the select tool normally... But it got really frustrating as I tried to fine tune the design

Does this make sense? Does anyone have any tips for this??
