Found some photos online of my family meeting with President Gerald Ford.

We are mostly on the top row. The lady with the beehive flip is NOT my mom. My father was a Secret Service agent (yes, one of the guys who jogged alongside the Presidential cars and was trained to take a bullet for him if need be ) and I can't recall WHY we were invited to meet him, but we were. I must have been about 16 at the time.

This brings to mind a couple of things - first, it is amazing what you can find on the internet if you know how to look for it Next, that I know my mom has loads of similar photos from the White House children's Christmas party every year, mostly family group shots in front of the White House Christmas tree - why don't *I* have these to scrapbook?? It's not like I've never asked for copies. And .. really? who thought a polyester leisure suit was EVER stylish? My poor 12 yo brother.