I've been to uni this morning where we talked about our next assignment: one of eight 'mini' assignments for the module. We already knew that we would be doing a 'five-picture story' related to our experience of education. But - guess what! Guess what! Go on - guess what!

Oh okay then, I'll tell you...

We're doing mailart!!!!!!!

This guy came to talk to us; we've seen him before way back when we started the course and he gave us some info about using the library catalogue etc online. Turns out that a few years ago he decided that Facebook was keeping him away from his friends, closed his account and started up a blog asking people to send or bring him postcards, of any sort, which he puts on his walls at home.

He had brought some of his collection which our lecturer was blu-tacking to the wall, and several of them were collaged. Imagine me jumping up and down and squeaking 'I do that! I do that!...like an 8 year old.

So - how excited am I!?