I'm a new owner of the silhouette CC330L-20. I'm not sure whether this is a second or third generation machine, mine does not say the quick kutz logo on it, this is a machine branded I think by graphtec. The driver it uses says craft robo.

I am trying to find out for sure whether or not funtime 2010 can work with the optical eye of this machine. So if you are using the 330L-20 and funtime 2010, have you done any print & cuts with that software?

I also own a gazelle, while I am not an expert in funtime by any means, at least I know and am familiar with it. I am trying hard to get up to speed on the SS/RB, but having a tough time understanding. I have a hard time seeing if the trace went OK and where my cut lines are winding up. I had a little initial success, but the deeper I get into it, I'm starting to have adjustment problems and I am pretty sure it is my error as to where my cut lines are showing up after the trace. Thanks.
