There was a thread on this before which attracted alot of interest but I cannot find it now. I am hoping JanetLinda is around and sees this thread as she is an expert on these machines. Well today after a long wait I finally got my very first machine. I have two normal sewing machines but I can't wait to get started with the embroidery for my LO's I tried to wind my first bobbin with it earlier but mucked it up the first time and had to unwind it and start again A bit too eager I think I am going to have another try in the morning when hopefully my kids aren't screaming their heads off playing on the trampoline and I will be able to read the instructions a bit better.I had no idea how many 'bits and pieces' these machines come equipped with. Does anybody else have one? Do they get easier to understand as time goes on?? I am sewing machine literate but these are so different to a 'normal' machine. I am going to so enjoy playing with it I have wanted one of these for years.