Quote Originally Posted by nina1931
Hi Kathie

When cutting directly from Illustrator do you have problems in placing the designs exactly where you want it to cut. Even if I have something in the middle of the page in landscape it cuts bottom left - really close to edge and I sometime want it away from the edge, particularly away from the rollers. I am probably doing something wrong!

Thanks for any help you can give.
Hi Nina

No I don't think you are doing anything wrong, cos mine cuts the same too (unless we're both doing it wrong lol!) I don't think there is any way you can change this. I think the only thing you can do is to manually position the cutting - when you select the craft robo to cut, use the arrow keys to move it to where you want it to start cutting on your page, then press the "set origin" button. It will then cut where you want it to, rather than at the bottom left edge. I use this a lot, sometimes just to move it slightly away from the rollers, othertimes I use it when I am using up scraps of card.
