Yay I've finally got started on my scrapping ambitions.

Well, haven't actually made anything yet but I did buy card, and glue, and I've started sorting out my photographs. I kept reading I should do this first but I was too lazy `cos they were in such a mess but hooray, it hasn't taken too long and I've found loads of sets of photos I could put together in LO's. All this time I thought I'd overdone taking too many similar photos - how wrong was I

It was great fun but the card I bought (just a few bits for trying out colours) just wasn't right. Now I know why people keep talking about their stash and why they have so much stuff!

BTW, many thanks to Ann4Browneyes who very kindly invited me to her house and made my eyes boggle with her many and fabulous albums (and stash). Thanks Ann, it was very inspiring (it must have been if it actually got me sorting stuff out!)
