I finally got the activation code for the business edition of Sil.Studio this morning, no explanation for the delay but at least I have it now.

In case anyone else out there needs the information, I thought that I would give it a quick trial for the things that I most wanted it for, namely to be able to open and use Corel files in Sil. Studio; opening eps files of which I have a lot; font creation.

You can open Corel files - as long as they are extremely simple. For example, I opened my logo, which is a stylised, simplified image of a dragon surrounded by text. Sil. Studio opened the file and brought in the dragon but not the text. So I am not sure how useful this feature will be, time will tell.

You can open eps files and so far they seem to open without any problems, so a success there.

The font creation tool appears to be a very useful function, although I haven't yet given it a thorough workout.

I think that from the point of view of being able to open my many eps files, without having to first open in Corel, then export as svg, etc, etc, the purchase of the business edition was a good buy, so I am glad that I got it.