Well hello again people.. After years of silence I thought I'd log in and get some informed opinions!
4.3.273.. Don't get me started on that.. My new Cameo 3 went completely off the rails gouging and cutting all
over the place. Turning back and cutting over what it had just cut. In the end I went back and installed 4.2.471 and followed the procedure for bricked firmware which seemed to solve most problems. The girls on the silhouette forum here in Italy are tearing their hair out especially those who have bought the Cameo 4. Amongst the problems are erratic cutting, the blade suddenly cutting with enough force to cut through the mat and raise the blade housing, not recognizing the pixscan mat, not cutting even simple shapes correctly etc etc. Up to now the 4 has definitely not made a good impression. So what is the general impression about the 4 people? Do those of you who have one feel it's a good machine? In my opinion they launched everything too soon in a bid to stop users going over to the Maker., but as much as I'd like a machine with greater cutting power and speed my money is staying firmly in my wallet until they iron out the bugs in the software and bring out the new blades so the machine can start to fire on all cilinders so to speak.