Hi guys,

In trying to fix the occasional problem where people get notices that UKS is not secure, and updating the site certificate, something broke. It should be a simple process, to find all the URLs and change them from HTTP to HTTPS but it seems it is actually hard.

Photopost, the Gallery software is no longer supported or updated or fixed in any way. And Photopost seems to be the problem at the moment. Once we track down where the URLs can be edited and make the change to HTTPS as the address (like we have done to dozens of URLs to make the fixes so far, it is just that easy) it should all be back to normal. Right now THE ONLY ERRORS are on Photopost pages.

If you have problems, you can temporarily disable the security by clicking the warning triangle (Firefox) the NOT SECURE message in Chrome, my Safari works as expected and ... not sure what other browsers people use! Once you click you should see a way to DISMISS the security warning.

Previously, updating the site certificate has been a pretty easy. Had I know this time it wold be SO different, I would have planned better for it. I'll update here again when everything is truly fixed.

Sorry you had a day of crazy.