winter snap challenge.JPG
OK ready for a challenge? Great! Have your camera ready. We have points!!

The Photography Forum and Blog Bits are joining together to bring you our second photo challenge. Here’s what you do – during January and February take a photo of each of the items listed below. You can substitute up to two items from the 1-20 list with items in the A-D list if you wish. You don't have to be in a team to join in.

Your photos need to be uploaded to an album here in the UKS gallery or to a single post on your blog. You do not have to take all 20 photos to qualify for most of the bonus points but your layouts need to be uploaded to the Snap Gallery by February 28th.

You may claim:
60 bonus points for all 20 photos uploaded to your gallery album or single blog post and linked in this post
30 bonus points for a layout featuring multiple photos from the list, in a grid or using frames, uploaded to the Snap gallery.
30 bonus points for a page using one or more photos from the list and the sketch below, uploaded to the Snap gallery.
30 bonus points if you scrap a selfie, uploaded to the Snap gallery.

That’s 150 bonus points!!

Here's your sketch ...


Here’s your 1-20 list …
1. a clock at 12
2. green or red or gold
3. a shop window
4. winter trees
5. baking
6. shadows, reflections or a silhouette
7. lights
8. chocolate to eat or drink
9. a bridge
10. a cone
11. the holly and the ivy (one or both)
12. anything frozen, icy, glistening
13. lambs, snowdrops or any sign of spring
14. foot prints, crunching
15. bedtime
16. cosy socks or mittens or hats or scarves
17. a hand-addressed letter
18. a house number the same as your birthday
19. a cobweb
20. a street busker, playing

And your A-D Substitutes list
A a favourite from Christmas
B film or book
C your handbag
D hands

And don’t forget the photo of you!

In summary:
- put your 20 photos in a single post on your blog or in an album in the UKS gallery
- post a link to your photos in this post
- upload your layouts in the UKS Snap gallery - no need to link here
- give your points to your team leader by 28th February

Team leaders please list all Snap! Challenge points on the February (not January or March) spreadsheet in the SNAP line.

Feel free to chat and share your favourite photos in this thread.

Good luck and happy snapping!

Alison and Sue x