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    Kirigami~Origami~Jenigami JennieBean's Avatar
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    Welded Words in Microsoft Powerpoint

    Lucille, I have never done a tutorial before so (a) I dont know if it any good and (b) wasnt sure where to post it.

    I always say that I only ever design in RoboMaster, except for welded words, cos I dont know how to use any other software. A few people have asked me what I use for welded words and when I said powerpoint they asked me for a tutorial/instruction. So here it is.

    Many of you may have microsoft powerpoint on your PCs as part of the Microsoft Office package. This tutorial doesnt explain about powerpoint in general, and just covers the welded word bit (using WORDART).

    Hopefully it is of help to someone,
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    Last edited by JennieBean; 07-06-2008 at 06:31 PM.

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