Quote Originally Posted by Anirtak191 View Post
Hi all. I have a big shot pro and have had it for a couple of years now. Recently I have started noticing the cutting isn’t as good. Part of the dies are not cutting out. Sometimes changing the paper/cardstock I am using seems to make a difference. Sometimes adding an extra shim helps but not all the time. And it is not the areas closer to the middle that aren’t cutting properly.
And it always seems to be the same part of the die that is not cutting properly no matter what way I put it onto the cutting plate and roll it through.
Does any one have any ideas at all why this could be happening all of a sudden.
Many thanks
just a thought but is there any paper or card stuck inside the die that you maybe cant see? A pair of tweezers might help you to have a prod around.
Or is the metal edge of the die worn down or uneven which is why its not cutting properly? If none of the above works, can you find the receipt for it to return it?
I buy the majority of my dies from Sizzix and any problems I have had, I have been able to return said "faulty die" although to be fair, its mainly machines I have had problems with, but they were returned and funds were refunded, no problem. However a couple of years, can be a different matter. Have you ever lent them out to anyone and only noticed when they came back that they aren't cutting properly?
