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  1. #106
    Dedicated Scrapper alison 2's Avatar
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    Haven’t had chance to try the precision press yet, hope to soon
    Don’t think I have any January birthdays but I have a few in February so hope to get ahead with those, there’s a 30th and 60th to do !
    How do you manage doing so many swaps at Christmas Elaine ! I love the idea of them but find them a bit stressful, worrying if I’ve got enough, whether the receiver will like them etc..... plus I’m always last minute so it’s a rush

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  2. #107
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    Denise, I thought I'd knitted both fronts and then couldn't find one and then was worried that I had imagined knitting it. Anyway, I suddenly remembered taking one side with me to Burleydam to try to get hold of the little rosebuds, so find it before I knitted it again, thank goodness. I just need to pick up stitches for the edging and then the worst bit, making up, I hate doing it. Still haven't found the tiny rosebuds in the right shade of pink though.

    I had a sneaky go before Christmas with the WRMK press and found it to be amazing. Especially if a stamp isn't a very good stamp (no, not just my poor stamping) and now I can re-ink and go over it again until it is a perfect image.

  3. #108
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Glad you like the press Susie, because I’ve ordered one today.
    Should be here this week, then I can have a play

  4. #109
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    I think you'll like it Ellie. I have boxes and boxes of all sorts of stamps and had pretty much given up but now I am looking forward to sorting them and having a play.

  5. #110
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    I managed to get about half way through the making up bit of the matinee coat, I really do hate this part even though I want to see it all finished.

    I did have a little mooch through my stamps but they need sorting out really. Tried a couple of them and they were great, even re-stamped them just to try it out and it worked perfectly each time even on a rather bulky card front, so pleased with that.

    I found this on the internet somewhere but just had to share it because it is so true. I took a screenshot of it let's see if it comes out okay.

    Screen Shot 2017-12-29 at 16.41.38.png
    Last edited by Susie.A; 30-12-2017 at 02:06 AM.

  6. #111
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    Last but by no means least, you know about the issues we had with the electrics after the water coming through into the bathroom. Well, the hall and landing lights weren't working and I told hubby just to forget about it until after Christmas/New Year. Well, today he has been ill in bed with what we can only imagine has been a migraine. It's so long since he suffered with them it isn't until he's been terribly sick that he realises the banging headache is that. Funnily enough, that has just reminded me that last night he had flashing lights out of the corner of his eye, which he has never had with migraines but maybe he does now. Back onto the feverfew for him, he hasn't taken them in years. But 6 months on them should sort him out.

    Anyway, I digress, the point is that just before as we let the dogs out for a wee ( I wasn't taking them round the block again at midnight and hubby couldn't) in the front garden, we came back in to find the hall lights on - go figure! How did they do that!

  7. #112
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Oh your poor hubby. I feel for him. I used to have migraines with flashing lights,
    fluorescent colours the lot!!!! All I could do was lay down in a dark room with an
    ice pack on my head. That all stopped when I went through the menopause,and
    I haven’t had one since.!! Hope he feels better today.

    As for your lights, perhaps they have dried out!! But it does sound odd.
    I would get your electrics checked out, you can’t be too careful with electricity.

    Like the craft saying. and it’s probably true.

  8. #113
    Dedicated Scrapper alison 2's Avatar
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    Haha, love that quote Susie !
    I agree you should get the electrics checked out.
    Must check out my precision press and see what it can do.
    Is feverfew good for headaches and migraine ? DD suffers from time to time, she could give that a go

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  9. #114
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    It’s supposed to be Alison. Works for some people.
    Never did anything for me, I had to have prescription drugs!!
    But I think if it’s not too bad then it probably will work

  10. #115
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    It was like a miracle for hubby Alison but you have to take it for a minimum of 3 months before it starts to work, the same as all supplements. The first time hubby tried it he thought it was rubbish but then he was told he had to stick with it, after 3 months the migraines stopped and he had been having them since childhood and he was probably in his late 40's possibly early 50's by the time we tried this. He'd been given all the heavy duty meds but nothing worked.

    His were so bad he would be in a darkened room for up to two days, no sound, no light, and with an ice pack on his head constantly. Usually the only time it would go was after vomiting severely. They always started around 5am and when you are self employed it is devastating because then you have the worry of loss of earnings. Our niece has them badly too but only botox keeps hers at bay. She has to have injections on a regular basis.

    I think Ellie yours sound like they were hormonal migraines for them to finish with the menopause. I have had women tell me feverfew hasn't worked as well for them when they've been purely hormonal migraines. So it doesn't seem to matter about the severity, obviously you sound like hubby, hideously severe but it is the cause which seems to dictate the treatment that is effective in the end. It's awful watching someone with this pain and being unable to help. Hubby couldn't even bear me asking him if I could get him anything. Strange isn't it but I know hubby's were stress related despite his apparently laid back demeanour.

    If the feverfew does work for you then after taking it for a couple of years you can stop it and the migraines just go away. It is only recently this has kicked off so you are looking at him having been migraine free for 20 years now but I will be putting him back on the feverfew for a few months and see how it goes. So cheap it is worth a go and supposed to help with arthritis too. It's like anything though, nothing works the same for everyone. The doctor didn't want to give hubby the migraine meds because at the time they cost £20 per tablet, and that would be over 20 years ago, when he did get them they didn't even work!

    It was probably all the stress of the water leak, the fridge door dropping off and all the other things that went wrong in the run up to Christmas that triggered this one. There was a lot of physical work for him both in the loft and hammering out bricks and being bent over trying to reach the wiring etc... then he was drilling walls for the radiator and he has arthritis in his neck, so put it all together and it is easy to understand how it could have been triggered.

    It is worth your DD trying feverfew but she has to take it every day for at least 3 months. H&B worked for hubby.

    Anyway, I love that quote too and I may have to print it off and have it up in my craft room. Do let us know what you make of the precision press Alison.

  11. #116
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Oh dear he sounds really bad, poor thing.
    The arthritis in the neck won’t help either!!
    Yes mine we’re hormonal. I came to that conclusion too.
    Thankfully I’m over that

  12. #117
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    I thought as much Ellie, my sister suffered horribly with them and I don't think she's noticed that she doesn't get them now since she's past the menopause. I never mention it in case it puts the idea in her head, after all the mind is a very powerful thing isn't it. Also, the fact that the feverfew didn't help, because I don't think it works the same for hormonal migraines. I do feel for people who suffer and get annoyed when people say they have a bad migraine and they are out or watching tele or whatever. When you have a real migraine like you and my hubby, you aren't capable of doing anything but lie in a darkened room and pray for it to go away.

    I've just had another little play with the stamping and then it was back to the knitting. It will be finished soon and then on to another little item, probably a bolero this time.

  13. #118
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    I was thinking of doing some knitting.
    I said to DH “ I think I will knlt a woolly hat for me” He just laughed !
    But I think that I might give it a try, because I used to knit a lot many years ago.
    I once knitted an Arran coat with a zip up the front , for my sister. She loved it.
    When DH and I first started going out together, I knitted him a jumper.
    I guessed his size. I think I must have had stars in my eyes, because it turned
    out to be twice as big round the chest, came down to his knees, and he looked
    like an ape with sleeves down to the ground
    Never again!!!!!!

  14. #119
    Dedicated Scrapper SarahK's Avatar
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    Migraines, horrible things and not had one for a while and hope to stay that way, still don't really know what triggers them but it is a darkened room, head under pillow with headphones (no music) on to blot out any noise! had some strange tablets, but not sure if the migraine made me sick or the tablets!

    I've a knitted a partial rabbit, one and a half legs! I just can't knit with my dodgy thumb, carpel tunnel. I do a couple of rows now and then but I am not sure it will be finished, ever!
    Sarah x

  15. #120
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Hope it stays away Sarah.
    I’m sure you will get it done, doesn’t matter how long it takes doesit ?

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