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  1. #121
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Oh dear caught again
    Elaine, so, so pleased that DIL has had good news, and hopefully she won't have
    to have chemo if they have got it all. You all must be so relived. It just shows
    that if you get it early enough they can work wonders.
    Pleased for you all

  2. #122
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    That is brilliant news Elaine and it must be even better for your DIL knowing she made the right decision, a tough decision but the right one.x

    Oh I like the way I still get the blame! You enabled me to enable you Ellie.

    Can you believe it, I'm actually off to bed now, have to be up early for another hospital appointment. I had to go all day without any caffeine, it was torture!

  3. #123
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Hope your hospital appointment goes well Susie. X

  4. #124
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    Good luck at the hospital..see if they can remove your enabling gene while you're there!

  5. #125
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    I missed your post Elaine, just as well because I'd have been sniggering in the scanner. As it was I wanted to laugh because it sounded so much like Dr. Who's box before it disappears. I had to stop myself because your supposed to be keeping your heart rate nice and low. Things didn't go as well as I'd expected which was quite a shock, so have to see what the actual results are and I'm back at the doctor's next week so I'll have a chat about that. God, I was going about my stomach and now it's my heart! What's next! This getting old thing is rubbish. Hubby's back in just after his birthday too.

    Anyway, my bookbinding glue should be here tomorrow, I can't wait to try it. I'll let you know how I get on. Doesn't take much to lift my spirits does it.

    Did you buy the die Ellie? If not, would you like me to cut some for you and pop them in the post? Only trying to stop you from buying more dies, wouldn't want to be called an enabler again.

  6. #126
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Oh sorry to hear your news Susie.sorry to hear it's not what you expected, but on
    the positive side, if something is wrong at least they have found it.
    Hope your chat with the doc next week is productive, and you find out what
    the results are. Anything that keeps your spirits up is a good thing

    Yes I did succumb and buy the die. It will be here soon.
    Thanks for your offer, that's very kind of you
    The Enabler has struck again
    Ps. I'm watching The Secret Life Of Dogs on tv.
    It's fascinating. Are you watching it ?
    Last edited by RED HEAD; 14-02-2017 at 10:26 PM.

  7. #127
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    Oh Susie I'm sorry to hear that. I do hope something simple will set you right back on track.
    I've recorded the Secret Life of's usually so good but I was catching up on the conclusion to Moorside. What a dreadful thing!
    I've been out looking at Wood Burning Stoves today with DH in readiness for our move next month.

  8. #128
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    Thanks both of you, I'll just have to put it out of my head until I see the doctor.

    Glad you've ordered the die Ellie, it is such a lovely one.

    Our dogs go nuts if there are dogs on the tele so there's no point even recording the programme because we'd never get to watch it. We watched Moorside tonight and the mute was on and off by the minutes with subtitles on because they had so many dogs barking in the background! They do this in virtually every programme and movie when they film outside, there is nearly always a dog barking, I don't know why because when we go out there aren't dogs barking all the time. Mind you, they are such scaredy cats now, they scurry past a house with a dog barking, even if it sounds in the distance.

    Did you buy your wood burner Elaine or are you going to get it when you've made the move?

    I couldn't remember what had happened in Moorside and it was awful. I remembered as the programme went on, quite unbelievable really. I don't remember all the community part being on the TV but do seem to recall the appeal. What was surprising was how it happened after Madeline McCann had gone missing which is 10 years ago in May. The time has flown for the rest of us but every day must be another day of heartache for her family, quite unimaginable.

  9. #129
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    How exciting Elaine, shopping for a wood burner. My DD has one, and
    it certainly keeps the house warm. Nothing nicer than having a real fire to
    sit in front off, in winter.

    Susie, the people who live next door have 3 dogs, and they are always barking.
    You cannot step outside if they are in the garden, because they bark constantly!!!!
    I couldn't bring myself to watch Moorside, too upsetting.

  10. #130
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    Poor you Ellie, I can't abide barking dogs, mine or anyone else's. First thing we had to do was train ours not to bark at everything. Whoever had these dogs before must have thought it was funny to see the dog barking at the TV, not realising that the dog is upset the whole time. We trained one dog out of it but now when he doesn't bark, the other dog (the lunatic) jumps on him and barks at him until he does bark. I've found tickling inside their back legs calms them down very quickly and then we distract them but not with a treat because we don't want them to think we are rewarding their bad behaviour, dogs are complicated.

    Now if the boys bark we know it is something they are trying to alert us to such as someone knocking at the door. But as soon as we get up they go back to sleep they are that lazy.:roll eyes:

    the book binding glue arrived today and it is going to last forever, 3 large tubs of it! Can't wait to try it out.

  11. #131
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Had to laugh when you described the dog making the other one bark
    That's good when they alert you. Sound like lovely dogs.

    My DD phoned today to say she took her two dogs, the puppy and the older one
    for their walk. She's training the pup to come back to the whistle.
    She let him off the lead, and he ran straight to the lake, where there were two swans.
    Of course the swans swam towards him hissing and spreading their wings, and
    he never flinched, just stood there. When she got up to him she had to pull
    him back! She said it was if he was saying " Come on ,if you are hard enough"!!!!
    She calls him pea brain, because he's not very astute yet...

    I downloaded that heart shaped border from that site When I came to print it
    my computer blocked it saying, it was a dangerous file. So I didn't bother.
    It let me print the whole paper though, without a problem.
    It's not only dogs that are complicated
    Last edited by RED HEAD; 15-02-2017 at 07:00 PM. Reason: Sp

  12. #132
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    Lol. My dogs couldn't be less interested in the TV..unless there is a duck or a pheasant and then their heads shoot up. I guess that's what comes of owning gun dogs. We've never taken them shooting (I couldn't bear it) but it's their natural instinct to chase birds..they're not interested in sheep or any other livestock thank goodness. I too have trained our not to bark..although we have one it's impossible to stop him barking altogether.

    I didnt recall all of the storyline on Moorside either but DH was jogging my memory. I don't honestly think it should have been made. That poor Shannon is still only a girl herself and she must know that its about must she feel? I gather her pervert step dad has been beaten up again since it was aired. From what I understand the Mum based the idea on the McCanns and getting the reward..shocking!

  13. #133
    Dedicated Scrapper bramblepie's Avatar
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    lots of chat just caught up
    Awwww your dogs so good and well trained its not the dogs its the owners I always say I use to watch secret lives of cats will look out for the dog one it sounds good
    Hope you got enough glue now Susie I got my card sorted embossed but wanted to make up a little envelope for the sentiment but mmm glue shoes through as its vellum I not got those sticky see through dots I do pritt stick so will re think might rather stamp a poppy
    I am making hard work of this one hope can complete at least one in reds before the end of the month !!!!!

  14. #134
    Dedicated Scrapper RED HEAD's Avatar
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    Oh it's awful when things don't turn out as you want, Denise. I'm sure it will be
    good when you get it finished.

    Yay!!!!! My Happy Anniversary die came in the post today, so am going to have a play.
    I've printed off the background paper, but because I've reduced the size, it's a
    darker olive green than the original one, but I think it's ok.
    Will show you when I've done it.

  15. #135
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    I agree with you Elaine, not sure why they made that programme. I wonder if Karen Matthews is getting paid for it - just a thought? That is what it was all about after all, maybe I'm just being bad-minded.

    We saw a lovely young Cockerpoo in Pets at Home today and he was into mischief the whole time. I took a couple of photo's, just about managed to catch him whilst he was still for a second or two. In the end, he was eating the display, chews and had the balls down and having a go at them. He was just like a naughty child but so cute. I'll pop his photo on the other thread because I have two photo's of him which is a pair - wow can I cheat or what!

    Vellum is a bit of a pain to glue isn't it Denise. Have you tried a tape runner, sometimes they can hide better than ordinary glues. I made a vellum envelope for my sister's scrapbook album and then I asked dad to write a message to go in it but for the life of me I can't remember what I used to glue it. I do remember it worked perfectly though. I'd have to have a look at it next time I'm over at my sister's.

    Looking forward to seeing your card Ellie, strange about the heart border die coming up with that message isn't it. Can you reduce the opacity of the image slightly if need be which will lighten the colours? Of course, it will lighten all the colours. Are you working on a pc or Mac, Ellie?

    Going back to glues, I'm not impressed with the book binding glue so far. It dries very quickly and I'm not sure if I'm being overly generous with it but my paper has buckled and it's not supposed to especially as it is meant for books and paper. Maybe I need to practice bit with it.

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