I hate creepy crawlies Nat and they are called that for a reason, mainly because they are creepy and they crawl. I particularly hate earwigs after seeing one crawling up my little sister's face when we were kids playing in the cut grass. Well, I was playing, she was sleeping. Big sister saved her though. Do kids still make houses out of cut grass as we used to? We had enough of the stuff as we had lawns then grass verges and beyond an enormous park, so we loved it when the grass cutter came round.

I am so annoyed with myself - I'm chalking an embossed design and I've started colouring in the flowers in pink and I wish I'd done them in turquoise which was the original idea, especially now I've seen your gorgeous colours Elaine. Ah well, it will fit with the other colour prompts I suppose. Just got to figure out what I'm going to do with it next!