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  1. #91
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    the point of a forum is to express honest and valid opinions based on facts is it not.
    What gives you the right to do so on this subject then ?
    You do not posess this product and probably have never seen it being used , if you have you would say so wouldnt you.
    On the other hand myself and my friends posess the jus cutz machine and we can give an honest opinion based on facts .

  2. #92
    Craft Shopper sharen mk11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chester View Post
    i am not being rude , i have come on here as others will do to defend Gordon . He is very polite and helpful to myself and my friends .
    I and others have now seen your machine and i feel obliged to come on here and tell others on the forum that we have done so and that your machine is working perfectly as is my own machine . He needs someone to say this with honesty .
    I can only think you have not taken the time to work out how your machine works . He cut all sorts of things today including the most awkward dies without any trouble so for you to come on here and denounce him and his new product is quite disgraceful . My friends and i will stand up and be counted in his defence . I urge everyone on this forum to see the proof themselves before commenting further . Would you all go back to the days of capital punishment without evidence you would not . Just think about what you are saying and doing .Thats all i ask .
    Why doesn't Gordon say something for himself ?? Why does he need you flying the flag for him - why does he need to put a post on his facebook page asking "friends" to join in this forum on this thread ?
    Why doesnt he do the decent thing and refund this machine - Pippa is never going to be happy with it - or him after this hassle - call an end to it, refund her . If the machine is so fantastic what will 1 sale matter ?
    Unless he is worried it will open the floodgates and others will want a refund ??

  3. #93
    Craft Shopper sharen mk11's Avatar
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    1.A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged

    Doesnt say you have to be an expert to express a view.

  4. #94
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    this forum is not for retailers , it is for the individual crafter

  5. #95
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    no it doesnt , but you cant give an honest opinion if you have not even tried the product . That is just unfair isnt it ...thats my point and why my friend and i are so angry with things being said on here . We were shown and had demonstrated a machine someone on here has said is not working , we say the proof that what is being said is untrue ..isnt that the way forward ?

  6. #96
    Dedicated Scrapper Sandi_Kent's Avatar
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    I was considering buying this machine, was a little apprehensive after gordon pushed it so strongly advertising it over on the docrafts site repeatedly. I also follow jus Cutz on facebook. But now after reading how poor pippa has suffered with her problem, I think it best to give the machine a wide berth. Especially after gordon posted this on the fb page

    My thanks goes to chester who i think i met today at the shop and demonstated the machine . I see she is challenging all the nonsense on that forum and i am grateful to here and her friends . You are right chester , the proof is in the pudding !

    hmm leads me to believe he is a member of this forum..................

  7. #97
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    why should he do that when the machine has been used and is in perfect working order ?
    Go see for yourself , he has the proof to show you , he is hiding nothing .
    He is honest and is willing to demonstrate this to anyone !

  8. #98
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    if the proof is in the pudding , then go along and see it for yourself .
    What else can he do but offer to demonstrate things to you .
    How can you say this without seeing the evidence for yourself ?

  9. #99
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    As I said earlier why would I lie about my machine I could not make it cut no matter what I did not for want of trying and I think I am entitled to my opinion as I have bought the machine as you say this forum is for individual crafters to pass on their experience of products they have purchased this is what I have done I have never made it personal as some people seem to be doing with me

  10. #100
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    So sorry that you have been subjected to this tirade Pippa when all you have been trying to do is get a machine that is fit for purpose.

  11. #101
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    Thanks once again for all the support it is very much appreciated

  12. #102
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    One day, students of best business practice will shake their heads in amazement at this thread. They will wonder what possessed a business owner to recruit customers to join a highly respected craft forum to berate a customer who has a problem with a machine.

    They will note for future reference that to discuss and reveal the details of a customer to passing 'customers' is a breach of professional etiquette and the most appalling breach of customer confidentiality.

    And they will wonder why anyone who purchases from him will ever be sure that their personal details will not be disclosed to anyone who just happens to be passing.

    I can imagine that there will be many in the trade looking at this thread with incredulity and suppressing more than a laugh.

    I believe the Germans have a most appropriate word for this public relations disaster; Schadenfreude.

    I purchased a Joy Trouvaille from Robert many years ago. A true Gentleman who knew his product and who, when I had a problem, could not have been more concerned, courteous or helpful.

    I will not purchase anything else from Mr Fraser.

  13. #103
    Susy Kew
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    I always thought, that unless you put "Private & Confidential" on a letter, the recipient could show it to whoever they wanted .. But I'm no solicitor ..

    I don't own one of the machines in the topic .. I do have a CB & a GC ..

    In the past, I have had a Wizard & a Big Shot - - - & like Pippa - had an awful time with them .. To Me - they were pretty useless, didn't cut at all well & the embossing was never clear & crisp ... I got rotten customer service from the suppliers & as I wasn't prepared to pay for the postage to return them, I stood the losses ..

    I came to the conclusion back then, that the supplier supplied in good faith - & that unless they had tested the particular machine they actually sent to me - then they had no way of knowing if it was perfect or not .. And, in law, unless there was something wrong with it - I wasn't entitled to my money back .. It was cheaper for me to just throw them away, which I did ..

    I have loved using my CB - but wanted to emboss & cut larger things - hence me buying the GC .. But I do not like the GC at all .. AFAIK, there's nothing wrong with it - but - it doesn't cut or emboss as I think it should, certainly not as good as the CB .. I have to put things through it several times & all-in-all, I find it a right faff to use ..

    & As for having to buy additional things - I had to buy the Raspberry Plate & the White Plate - all extra expense .. Not a hubby pleaser that ..

    In conclusion, all I can say is that IMO - Most of these machines can have their faults - & even individual machines can be faulty .. What works for one person, doesn't always work for another .. And as for Customer Service - well - we're not always right - sometimes we can be a right pain - BUT - we do deserve to be treated with respect & some suppliers can be a tad awkward when it comes to sorting problems out ..

    I hope those with problems soon get it all sorted out ..

  14. #104
    Dedicated Scrapper krafty1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelfish View Post
    Sounds more like bullying and intimidation than great customer service to me.

    The problems that previous posters are having with their machines would not put me off shopping with the company in question, but the treatment of this specific customer by the shop owner, that you have outlined in your other post, most certainly has.

    I'm not sure what you hoped to achieve by joining a forum, in order to attack one of its members, but you have shown me where not to shop and I thank you for that
    I couldn't agree with you more!!

    Quote Originally Posted by sharen mk11 View Post
    Here here !
    I find it very strange - "members" - who only joined whilst the main thread was started seem to be so intense in their support of the shop , the machine and the seller - Chester here actually joined 30/7 - and has only posted on this thread, so the whole rest of the forum - totally ignored . ??
    How odd for a crafter ....
    I think we all know what's going on there

    Quote Originally Posted by fifi b View Post
    He had a post up on facebook telling people to give good reviews on his products on uk scrappers because he has heard of this thread.
    Well there was an attempt in a previous post to get the thread deleted, obviously in the hope of stopping people reading it and when that didn't happen a different tactic was required.

    I have to say I'm totally shocked at the way poor Pippa has been treated over this.

    For a shop owner to openly discuss a customer and her personal details with other customers is possibly the most unprofessional thing I've ever heard of.

    As angelfish has said, I now know where I will not be shopping!
    Last edited by krafty1; 31-07-2013 at 12:42 AM.

  15. #105
    Control Freak!! Blackbird's Avatar
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    Wow!!! :-0 I have been a member on this forum for many years and can honestly say I have never seen a thread like this before! I don't know the machine/shop or people involved, but I am disgusted that a shop owner would show a private letter of complaint to random members of the public in the shop, how totally unprofessional and disrespectful. All products are likely to have some elements that may/could fail and as a customer spending money you have to feel that your purchase is supported by a fair and reasonable company. If sending random people to this forum was supposed to turn public opinion, then I'm sorry but this has totally failed. Nothing is more important than customer service, and I my view without this you are lost. I do not care whether "Pippa" was to blame or not ( no offence!) she doesn't deserve to have her letter shown around the shop. Disgusting treatment! I will NOT ever buy anything from any business that has such little respect for a customer. I hope you have much better luck getting a better response from this business Pippa, at least the rest of us know now to stay well away from there!!

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