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  1. #16
    Owner of Janome MC9900 & Brother ScanNCut
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    erika i am so sorry to hear that someone has stolen your lovely templates.

    is this the same person or is this someone new?
    how do you know they are your designs are there pictures with this one?

    i know its happened to susibi before and ive been told that one or two of mine were on the first cd that came to light but apart from not posting anymore i dont really see what we can do.

    maybe as susibi has said just upload a photo and no gsd then if its wanted the person could email us and ask, we could then keep a track on who we give our files to.

    ive said this before i do sell some of my designs but not usually the ones i post on here for free, so if we all did the same we could maybe keep control of them a little better, not sure though just a thought

  2. #17
    Dedicated Scrapper Helenscot's Avatar
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    I have just come back from a holiday in the states and have read with sorrow of both the incidents of people selling cd and templates - I just cant believe it - I know like many I am amazed at the talent of a lot of the designers on here and I have downloaded a number of templates for use for myself and I have also bought templates from people from the auction site and Erika own site (though I am pretty sure they have been the genuine designers) and been more than happy to pay for the work - and its a very small price they are asking for their design talents - why oh why is this world full of people who want something for nothing and go and spoil things for the genuine people!!
    Naming and Shaming is maybe the best way forward

  3. #18
    Dedicated Scrapper - Limited Sponsor - beanpole's Avatar
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    Well have sadly just been through and taken off the few templates I've posted, which have already been nicked. Just the photos left. What a shame some people think they can take advantage like that and profit from other people's kindness. Much good may it do them.

  4. #19
    Dedicated Scrapper Georgie's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear that this has happened again, cant believe that people would stoop so low as to steal someone elses templates.
    Name and shame and LEGAL ACTION might go some way to stopping it.


  5. #20
    Kirigami~Origami~Jenigami JennieBean's Avatar
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    Jennie xox

  6. #21
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    I am shocked that this has happened again and so quickly. I am angry that someone would spoil it for the honest ones. Erika your files are always stunning and would it be a huge loss to UKS as were all the beautiful files Susibi did.There are far to many quality designers here that must be on the verge of removing their files something needs to be done and quickly before this talent is lost from UKS.

  7. #22
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    I am so sorry to read this Erika, people who do this are real scum and have no scruples. I have not posted any designs on here as I can't produce anything as nice as what I can see here, but I won't even make a card to sell with anyone's template on it. If I can't do a design myself I won't use someone elses, it is against my ethics.These people should be banned from the forum as they ruin a great learning source for us beginners and slow learners, people get banned for a lot less on other forums.

  8. #23
    Kirigami~Origami~Jenigami JennieBean's Avatar
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    There is a problem in that UKS can only be 99.9% certain who the people are, and even if we then ban them, they could rejoin with another username and another e-mail address and no one would know. WE do know who the individuals are though and we are taking action.

    The second person has done since AFTER the first persons actions came to light on here.

    It would be good if UKS and sponsors were able to support the legal action though, rather than this being a civil case by a group of members.

  9. #24
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    I totally at at loss what to do now - all my files i have given in good faith for people to enjoy and get the most out of their Robbies - it is a shame that a couple of bad apples have spoilt the whole enjoyment of shareing new files with everyone.

  10. #25
    Kirigami~Origami~Jenigami JennieBean's Avatar
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    Hi ETUI, you do what feels right for you. Dont feel you have to jump on the bandwagon, this is purely a personal decision by each of those who have decided to remove their files.

  11. #26
    Linda gentleflower's Avatar
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    It is with regret

    It is with regret for the genuine members in here that I too have removed all my templates and backing papers. Yes we even have a copy of a cd where even the backing papers were being sold on that 'famous selling site'.

    However, I am happy in the knowledge that the genuine members here have, if they had liked my templates, would have downloaded them before this action.

    It is an awful thing to know that two parasitic members have sold templates given here freely to make a fast buck whilst at the same time rubbing their grubby little hands together at the thought that they would in the future get more ... like milking a cow!! They had no consideration for the amount of time it took to create the designs.

    We shared ... they sold.

    I truly am sorry this action has been taken ... UKS is a wonderful site ... but it has attracted low lifes ... which if they are reading this ... and I am sure they are ... up yours mates ... I was just getting good too

    The best is yet to come!

    A member of Just Cutters - Against Copyright Infringement
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  12. #27
    Dedicated Scrapper YorkieMomFlUSA's Avatar
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    Ya'll this is so sad.....not just for our new members that are upstanding and honest, but these theives are cheating honest people out there by charging them for files that they could have gotten for free from here!!!

    I have been coming to this site since Oct. of last year when I first got my "Roberta" and only recently learned how to make some files and I have loved doing it and sharing with others.

    I too, now feel that I need to remove my files and the new files I make will ONLY be shared via email with those of you that I have come to know who you are. I will be posting a picture as mentioned in an earlier post. I am so sorry that it has come to this.

    I will still be active here at UKS as I think the majority of you are a really wonderful bunch of people!

    This is such a sad time, Pam

  13. #28
    aka Suzanne fruitysuet's Avatar
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    I am truly appalled that people are stealing your free templates provided by your own generosity in order to sell on at a profit. That just is totally wrong. I would be ashamed if I knew anyone personally who did that. I don't know how they can think that it is an okay thing to do.

    I have only just plugged my CR in and started to download a few templates and if I have used them I have made a point of giving credit to the designer and usually add a link back to where I got the file frome originally.

    I am a real technophobe and really am not ready to try to make my own templates. I am more than willing to pay for any that you talented folk make .... but how would I know how to find where they are?
    A Bowl of Cherries - My personal blog

  14. #29
    The Orignal Robo Rebel NikiB's Avatar
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    why Smurf Land of course!
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    Suzanne (and others) I have started to put together a list of Trusted Sellers on my web site (link in my profile).

    I am only adding people who I know to be genuine and are regular contributors to this site.

    If anyone else wants to be added then please PM me your website and/or ebay details

  15. #30
    Diehard UKScrapper sandymcc's Avatar
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    This truly is disgusting and what's REALLY awful is that the people who most benefit from the wonderful files that get shared are the ones who will be hurt by the files now being taken down. I'm not saying you should NOT take them down (I totally understand your reaction), but it would be SO MUCH BETTER to publicly shame this thief who thinks it's "okay" to take and sell these files.

    To the person who did this and is probably reading this post right now: You represent "GREED!" How dare you profit from other people's hard work! This act of yours will bring you the worst KARMA imaginable! Forget law suits... you WILL experience the worst life has to offer... because that's how the balance of nature works. HA HA HA on YOU!

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