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  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Inkscape monogram

    Have been trying to do a monogram in Inkscape and have fallen at the first hurdle.

    I wanted a round shape so I clicked on the icon and drew it. Then duplicated it theory.... using control D. Could not see the effect of this but thought that, if it was directly over the top of the original, maybe I wouldnt. There was a small ellipse at the end of the pointer which presumably shouldnt have been there.

    However, I then selected Path--outset several times but nothing happened. Tried other ways of duplicating but now the circle tool doesnt work. It just produces a sort of line.

    Think I must have altered some setting because even if I turn off and on, it still doesnt work.

    I thought I knew something about computers but have regressed very badly in the last hour or so! Does anyone know what the problem is?

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Ok - If you select the object then do Ctrl D you won't see the copy as it places it right over the shape. Then you need to make your mat so do
    Path>Outset or Ctrl+shift +) ( bracket) as many times as necessary to make your frame.
    Then do select all and Path>Exclusion.
    If you look at the pix on the How to.. Inkscape thread then it's a lot clearer.

  3. #3
    Owner of Janome MC9900 & Brother ScanNCut
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    double click on the circle icon in the box that opens highlight elips and then make sure you have a dot in the words use this tools own settings or something along those lines then close that box down.

    try your circle again

    when you click on the circle in inkscape also try clicking on the words make whole at the top and if makr arc is ticked untick it.

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    So glad you are there, Susibi!
    I have a several sets of instructions printed off the forum. I wonder if I am confusing myself!
    Can you tell me if that ellipse is supposed to be there at the end of the pointer when I control D?
    Have you any idea why I now cant draw circles?
    I am beginning to wonder if I pressed Path ...exclusion instead of outset originally.
    Cant start again because I cant draw circles. Maybe will have to download the Inkscape program again. What do you think?

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Getting there, Stressed! (literally) Many thanks.
    It was the 'make whole' bit that restored the circle function but now the circle is that OK? Was expecting just a line.
    Still get the ellipse at the end of the pointer

  6. #6
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Aaah! Just realised that I hadnt put in the "outline" bit.
    When I have remustered a bit of strength, I'll have another go.
    Thanks so much for the help.

  7. #7
    Owner of Janome MC9900 & Brother ScanNCut
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    yes all you do if it puts colour in it is click on the ico top right that looks like a paint brush, then when the box pops up click on the X under the word no fill and close,

  8. #8
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Have almost got there! I saved it in svg (as in earlier post here) while I was working on it. Then saved it in DFX when I finished.
    Looked in Load DFX in Robot and it was nowhere to be seen.
    If you can see anything wrong with how I did it, please tell me. Otherwise tomorrow I shall have a good scout round the system to see where I saved it to but cant imagine doing anything other than I normally do with templates which are in a separate folder.

    Thought I was doing so well and remnants of self esteem were being restored!

    Many thanks for what can only be described as your intuition in this ..So helpful.

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