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  1. #16
    Live Love Laugh julieM's Avatar
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    The summer diet worked a treat and my attitude to spending has changed completely. Had already decided that 2007 was going to be a year of using what I already have(way to much). Will not stop buying completely but will exercise restraint.So glad a thread has been started again.
    julie x

  2. #17
    Dedicated Scrapper NIKIG's Avatar
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    Can i join again as well?
    I have not bought anything since July, but had a spend up on the lakeland sale today. money came form DH
    I sorted my craft room today and found all sorts of stash i had forgotten about, so my rules will be:

    1. To not buy any mags apart from SI which is on sub anyway.
    2. To not buy any patterned papers until June
    3. To start to use up my stash of ribbons and brads before i buy more
    4. To only buy stash (not papers) if desperately needed for a LO or mini book
    5. To complete at least 3 LO's per week using existing stash only.

    That should do me for now, I did really well with the last stash diet and hoping this one goes the same way. Even DH was surprised that i wasn't taking myself off the the local SBS every day

    I have printed these rules out and they will be going up in my craft room to remind me.

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  3. #18
    Dedicated Scrapper scrapper2401's Avatar
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    can I join. I manage to spend £75 today NOOOOOO oppps

    1. not to buy any mags except SI
    2. not buy papers re £75 just spent mainly on paper
    3. maximum spend £20 per month . review end of january!LOL
    4.May add more rules if I need to

    5. money to include storage etc more kits
    Last edited by scrapper2401; 01-01-2007 at 08:31 AM. Reason: more rules!!!

  4. #19
    Dedicated Scrapper pip's Avatar
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    I'd forgotten about kits - there's most of it gone already


  5. #20
    upside down boy! bumpybecky's Avatar
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    well you could make it £25 a month not including kits, or more per month but include them - it doens't have to be £25 - better to set a limit you think you can work with if you set it too low, more likely you'll fall off the wagon and give up enitrely

  6. #21
    Can i join too?? My stash spending is seriously out of control - i managed to spend £40 today

    My rules are -

    1. One kit a month - Scrapagogo, but no more GrabIts
    2. 2 magazines a month - SI which i sub to and one other
    3. Budget of £25 a month to buy things like adhesive and cardstock
    4. Only extra money to be spent is birthday money which i'm going to use to buy a Crop-a-dile and a new heat gun

    Hopefully with a bit of support from all of you i'll be able to stick to this and my bank balance will look a lot healthier!!!

  7. #22
    Chief Thimble Theresa's Avatar
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    I am after a crop-a-dile myself, suspect when I find one it will take up most of January's budget but it would be worth it

    The Treehouse

  8. #23
    Dedicated Scrapper Ches's Avatar
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    May I join you. I didn't do very well on the summer diet so perhaps I can do better in the new year. My budget will be £10 per week not counting 2 mags that I subscribe to. I attend a crop attached to a shop every Tuesday and the crop costs me £5 so will restrict spending in the shop to £5 as well.

  9. #24
    Dedicated Scrapper kathb's Avatar
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    Ok I need to join in. I tidied my scrap room out and found parcels which were never even opened.Also DH found them, oh dear.

    My rules
    1. Dont buy anything until Easter.
    2. Only buy 1 magazine a month.

    I can do this !

  10. #25
    Dedicated Scrapper Annie's Avatar
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    Well I'm not going to set a spending limit as such, but keep a better track of what I do spend. I don't buy mags or kits (except an occasional altering kit), so I am quite frugal that way. I really want the new MM trimmer, as I am sick of my Zision one eating blades.

    So working on the principle that the fewer and simpler my rules are the more likely I am to keep to it - my one rule is......

    .....use more than I buy, until my stash has reached manageable proportions.

    Although I probably have way less than a lot of you, I have a ridiculous amount of paper and CS.

  11. #26
    Dedicated Scrapper karen433's Avatar
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    I need to join the diet as I have been on a major spending binge lately and need to stop especially as DH is starting to look around the room curiously
    My rules must be:-
    1. NO BUYING stash unless it is an absolute bargain that I just can't miss,
    2. 1 magazine a month.
    I must be able to stick to that!!!

  12. #27
    Handbag, shoe and choco - holic! Bluemoonjules's Avatar
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    Sorry, Sponsors, but yes, please, I'll join in!!!!

    OK, I'll go for a £25 a month limit, but reserve the right to accumulate that, ie spend more one month, less another, and that is just stash, not crops or classes....
    - 6.25% Welsh -

  13. #28
    Flowers are fab! gazania's Avatar
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    I also need to exercise some restraint for a while

    Like Annie, I am not going to give myself too many rules, but the ones I do would be to spend wisely on things I KNOW I am going to use and not just store away and forget about and to really really really TRY and make good use of a lot of the things I already have so that I don't need to buy a lot more new things

    Sounds good on 'paper' so to speak - now can I put it into practice

  14. #29
    Dedicated Scrapper PinkLady's Avatar
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    im the same as lesley i need to use up some of the stash i already have and stop buying so much its gonna be a hard one though

  15. #30
    Dedicated Scrapper xxpaddler's Avatar
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    I think I may need to join this!
    I will:
    1. only buy one mag besides the one I sub to.
    2. only buy stash that is 'required' for a project, or basic supplies to replace used up supplies.
    3. avoid craft stores if I can so that I dont spend on impulse. (translates as do not let my co workers lead me astray at lunch time!)
    4. use up my mountain of stash and experiment with new techniques using the supplies I already have.

    I will review this later, but for now, that will do.
    I am not putting a budget amount down, as I have no idea what I spend on supplies without checking my bank account. I may take out £20 a month in cash to put aside for stash, but I reserve the right to accumulate that if I have a good month and spend it later! My birthday is not until October, so no windfalls till then.

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