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  1. #16
    I love playing with paper! stuff's Avatar
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    Thank you all very much, really useful.

    Lovely LO's

  2. #17
    Dedicated Scrapper welshwren's Avatar
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    The tip about using an anti-static pad was a 'must do' and if you don't have one, try an anti-static computer screen wipe or a light dusting of talcum powder. Tilt the card or paper to one side and tap the back to remove excess powder (don't wipe off with your hand or you'll be back to square one lol) and then you are ready to stamp.

    I find it best to empty embossing powder (EP) into a small, lidded plastic container and I keep a small ice-cream spoon (the sort that comes in the little tubs) in there for scooping the powder over my work.

    Another fabulous use of embossing is to create small embellishments.
    First ink a stamp (or a textured item like a metal button with a shank on the back) with a pigment ink or embossing ink - put to one side.

    Next swipe your embossing ink pad or Versamark over the surface of your card stock (say a circle), cover with embossing powder (EP) and heat until the EP melts - don't overheat as the powder gets absorbed into the CS and all the glossiness and dimension is lost.

    Now you are going to add another layer of EP and heat again (and then a third and possibily a fourth layer). How you do that depends upon how quick you are and whether you have asbestos fingers

    i) very quickly pick up the embellishment at the sides (whilst the surface is still not set) and drop it into the EP container, jiggle it around to re-coat the surface,
    remove and heat or

    ii)wait for the surface to cool, swipe with the ink pad, add EP and heat.

    I do version i) myself but the molten powder is very hot so watch those fingers (tweezers don't work as they dent the surface).

    When the final layer has been heated and before it starts to cool, take you stamp or button etc and press hard into the molten surface, leave it there until it cools, then remove - the ink will act as a release agent.

    Hope that gives you a few more ideas.

    Did anyone mention the different EP's ? I'll check the previous posts and if not I'll be back with some more info.


  3. #18
    Dedicated Scrapper welshwren's Avatar
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    here's a bit more info...EP is usually available in 3 'thicknesses', -

    Detail which is very fine (think icing sugar), - use for finely detailed images and words (although sometimes the ordinarty EP works better)

    Ordinary (think caster sugar), which covers most requirements, can be applied in several layers as mentioned in my previous post to give an ultra thick effect

    Ultra thick or Enamel (think granulated sugar) - this is the chunkiest one - can be used in one layer over a stamped image or in 2-3 layers to create an embellishment which can be left smooth or stamped into (ie intaglio effect)

    You might like to try this idea. Use Ultra thick or 3-4 layers of ordinary EP to make an embellishemnt or even add a brooch pin to turn it into wearable art Cut mount card to desired size/shape. Colour/stamp (you could just rub different coloured ink pads over for multi colour effect) cover with embossing ink/Versamark, then clear powder and heat. Repeat as many times as required. Before final layer sets, add a small pinch of 2 different coloured EP (gold and black are good), swirl around with cocktail stick, heat and leave to cool. Add brooch pin to the back if it is too nice to use on a LO (this is great fun to do - You could punch holes along bottom of mount card before EP-ing then attach jump rings and beads at then end - just keep clearing the holes with a pin when you are adding the EP layers). Oops just remembered something else - before final layer sets - swirl in some bits of glitter/sequins/tiny beads for added bling.

    well I have said enough now - hope I didn't ramble on too long - so off to check on DD who is home from school sick


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