My desk is full of a class I am taking called Journal Petite. It's an art journalng class but working on a very small scale. I need something to loosen me up and get me back into messy play now I am THREE ROWS from finishing up my blanket. Yippee!

I've done a few lessons so far, paint swiping, collage, mark-making and watercolour washes. Nothing I haven't done before but the class structure focuses me And the class was only like £8 when I bought it (been a minute...) so

Also cutting more circles for my companion deli-paper curtain...

I am happy for people to carry on sharing even not at all scrapbook related things for these posts. I think it is really interesting to see what everyone is dong in their crafty space no matter what it might be! And seeing a follow up to a past posted project will also be fun.

So share, please!