That is so sweet Chris, you'll have so much fun with your DGD. Our neighbours GD who is only 4 loves to craft and is encouraged a lot by her mum. I sent her crafty stash, things I had bought and when they turned up didn't look like anything I would ever use, they've been around for years, so they went to a new home. At Christmas I made her a Frozen card and received a beautiful painting in return. It is lovely to see mums and grandmothers encouraging little ones to craft isn't it!

Wow, that was quick Ellie, two lovely cards from the same die and each so different, well done! I really like the way you've cut the poor little bird out and put the sentiment there, it's really pretty and effective.

What a gorgeous card Wendy, I would love to see it close up, is that possible? I do love a deckle edge card, it just adds a little bit of daintiness, the flowers look very pretty.