I'll carry on with my stash diet, it has been quite successful so far my stash is slowly coming down to more manageable proportions.

1) continue with my mag subs (but as they are all paid for for 2007 that doesn't really count)

2) stash limit of £50 per month - but that is the absolute top and I'm expecting/hoping it to be much later. It should include the ScrapGoods kit and any extras I need - but I don't need anything at the moment.

3) No buying even for specific projects until I clear my desktop of the three sitting there (all Christmas ones and it shouldn't take long once I'm able to scrap again). And only replacing one specific project with another - i.e. not three or four

4) No swaps once I complete the ones I've joined unless I can do the swap from my stash or with minimal expense....

That should do for the moment - I might tweak these but they cover most incidents