Hello and Happy New Year!

Sorry I have been fairly absent for a bit. After the heart attack, various other aspects of life have demanded my time and attention - in particular, both generations, above and below, have presented me with serious challenges over the last few months. While life is still challenging for me, my health is, at the moment not the issue and I am looking forward. What is the future of UKS? IS there a future for it??

To members
- This is the time to add your input. If you want UKS to continue, tell me what you want out of it. If you think you can help, feel free to PM me. What that "help" might be will depend on any input.

Also, you asked about a DONATE button in the past. I may have that worked out. If you see it appear, feel free to make use of it. Likewise, feel free to ignore it.

To sponsors - I have deferred the sponsorship email till I have a more concrete plan for UKS moving forward. Self-hosting has meant I need less in the way of new funds to keep UKS open, so I feel comfortable giving all a free month.

Let's have a chat. If UKS still matters to you, tell me what you want out of it moving forward. I'll see if I can make that happen.

cheers all!

Mary Anne