I have just had a quick 'skim' of this thread (will definately read it all when I have time) and have also looked at the two 'books'.

I was expecting to be upset or horrified I think but actually I found the photographs very tasteful in the main. I did have a problem with the ones showing actual autopseys (not sure it is necessary to photograph them) and some of the 'open eyed' pictures seemed a bit strange but mostly I thought they were peaceful.

Regarding the issue of scrapping funerals and death. I haven't done it myself and to be honest I'm not sure if I would but if our scrapbooks are a way of telling our life stories then death must be a part of that.

Finally, I have been doing alot of research into my family tree recently and the Victorians certainly had a very different attitude towards death from us. I think they were almost resigned to it as it was so common (especially among children).

Thanks for starting this thread - it's great to have such an indepth discussion on such an interesting topic